chapter 32

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"Again, Olivia?! Will you ever learn to respect people and not choose violence as soon as they talk back?!"

"Why are you defending her?! She did this, dad! I didn't even fucking hurt her!"

Liv pointed at her new bruise that was all the way from her lip to her chin, slamming down her empty glass on the kitchen counter. Her step mom was nowhere to be seen, but as soon as Liv got called into the kitchen by her dad, she knew her step mom had told her dad what happened in the car.

Her dad was taken aback by Liv's words because he couldn't deny that the bruise indeed came from his girlfriend.

"You need to learn to respect her!" he eventually yelled, which didn't have much impact because it was the exact same as he told her a few seconds earlier.

"I'm not going to respect her! Ever!" Liv yelled back.

"That's your problem! You have no choice, Olivia! You either respect her or-"

"Or what?!" Liv yelled defiantly.

"You just need to, okay!"

"She treats me like shit, dad! But you don't give a fuck! You only care about her!"

"I care about you both! But you-"

"Oh you do?!" Liv cut him off, biting her lip until she tasted blood just so she wouldn't get violent. "You do?! Do you even fucking love me?!"

The silence that followed was way too long. Maybe it was just three seconds, but it was way too long after a question like that. It was everything Liv needed to know.

"That's what I thought!" Liv yelled as she pushed the glass off the kitchen counter so it shattered all over the floor, and immediately turned around to run up the stairs. Her dad was so shocked by the glass flying everywhere, he didn't follow her right behind. And even when Liv entered her bedroom she wasn't even allowed to be in and she closed the door, she still didn't hear her dad coming up the stairs.

With tears streaming down her red cheeks, burning her bruise even more, she ran to her desk and moved it all the way in front of her bedroom door so it couldn't open.

The noise the desk made when it was moving over the wooden floor did cause her dad to leave the kitchen and run up the stairs but before he could open the door, the desk was already blocking it.

"Open the door, Liv!"

"No!" Liv yelled at him, collecting some clothes that were laying on the floor and throwing them in the nearest backpack she saw.

"Open the door to talk!"

"No! You've said enough!"

Liv hated how she was so obviously sobbing, her dad definitely heard it as well. She heard how he sighed, almost groaned, and banged his fist on the door.

"We can talk about this instead of yell at each other, okay! Now open the door."

He tried his best to say it calmly, but he failed terribly. And Liv knew it would end in a fight anyway, no matter what they tried.

"Leave me alone!"

"Come out of that room, then."

"You're not gonna leave me alone if I do!"

Her dad groaned again and his fist hit the door again, but probably because he let it fall against it. Liv let herself fall on the bed instead, and couldn't stop the sobs escaping from her mouth.

"Please leave. Just... please leave," she cried, the bag with random pieces of clothing in it tightly in her hands.

"No," her dad said, "I wanna talk to you first."

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now