chapter 28

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"Do you uh, know where my clothes are? I took a shower and they-"

Liv had gone back to Dom's room for a while to wait for him to come home, but her dad had called her several times and texted her concerning things, from which Liv knew he had noticed how she had sneaked out.

She could have seen it coming, as she had been gone since the night before.

She wanted to change back into her own clothes before she left Dom's house though, but she couldn't find them. So she had decided to embarrass herself again and ask his mom.

Her question made Dom's mom look up from whatever she was reading on her phone, and she shot Liv her always kind smile.

"I think Dom washed them. You want me to look for them darling?"

Liv shook her head. "I have to go home as soon as possible. I'll just pick them up another time."

Dom's mom frowned when Liv mentioned going home. "And Dom is still not home? Should I call him and-"

"No it's fine," Liv brushed it off. "Tell him thank you, though, when he gets home. For letting me sleep here. And giving me his clothes."

Slowly Dom's mom nodded, as if she was still not convinced that it was fine like this. She looked rather concerned too, as if she knew something was up.

"Okay. I'll see you again soon, then?" the woman asked Liv, her eyes bigger than normally hoping for a good answer. Liv smiled and nodded.


That was when Dom's mom knew everything was alright between Liv and Dom at least. It took away a bit of her concern, but still not everything.

"Have you texted Dom about leaving?"

"Not yet, but I will soon," Liv replied. She gave the woman a kind smile that, at the same time, showed that she was kind of in a rush and couldn't talk for much longer. Luckily she got it and nodded.

"See you soon then. Your flowers are lovely, by the way."

Liv smiled kindly at her and then left the living room, quickly escaping the house to go to her own.

Of course she knew she was in trouble, but she had hoped that she wouldn't have to explain she was with Dom; it would only make things more complicated.

That hope vanished immediately when she closed Dom's front door behind her and the door of her own house opened at the same time, even though she was still on the other side of the street.

Liv stopped in her tracks and just stared, standing on Dom's driveway. It was her dad who had opened the door, and it looked like he hadn't even opened it because he had seen her because he looked rather surprised to see his daughter standing on the other side of the street. But once he did, his eyes got dark and she knew she could better just get over there.

"You've crossed the line, Olivia. You really did," her dad sneered at her as he pulled her inside. "Sneaking out at night while you're grounded?! And then sleeping over at someone else's house?!"

Liv was speechless and tried to take a look into the living room to figure out if there were more people home. She couldn't see anyone.

"Look at me!" her dad yelled. She did what he said and pressed her lips on each other.

"What were you thinking?! What is wrong with you?!"

She hate it whenever her dad said that, and he said it more than she wanted to admit. It made her hate herself a little more every time.

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now