chapter 73

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"Get off of me! Stay a- away from me!"

Liv was violently shaking her head, unconsciously pushing the blankets off her body. Sweat was dripping off her forehead onto her pillow.

"Liv. Liv, sweetheart."

Dom tried his best to wake her up, cupping her cheek gently and trying to keep her head in place to stop her from shaking it constantly.

"Don't! Don't! Get off me!"

"Liv," Dom said a bit louder, shaking her body a little. When he went to cup her cheek again, Liv's eyes shot open and looked right into his. She gasped loudly as she woke up, unable to say a word.

"Come here," Dom whispered as he gently pulled Liv's naked body onto his, his arms wrapping around her body. Liv couldn't even speak; she could only gasp for air, confused about what was going on.

"You had a nightmare," Dom told her as he brushed her hair back only to look down at her. Liv was breathing quickly and just staring at whatever was in front of her, feeling like she was still dreaming.

When her teeth started chattering and a tear ran down her cheek, Dom grabbed one of her hands and brought it to his lips to kiss the back of it, making it a long kiss.

"Dom?" Liv whispered as Dom was running his hand up and down her bare back.

"What's it sweet girl?"

"I want my clothes."

Dom froze for a second, taking his lips off her hand and slowly lowering it until it touched the mattress and he let go.

"You want me to get them?" he asked her, feeling her nod as he head was laying on his chest. It made him turn the lights on and slowly push her off his body to get out of bed. The sight of seeing him naked as well made Liv start breathing a little faster again, and Dom heard it very well.

"I'll get mine too baby, don't worry."

He put on his boxers and t shirt first before he got Liv's underwear, sweatpants and t shirt to give to her. She sat up straight on the bed, watching him lay the clothes down in front of her while her body was trembling like crazy.

"I'll get you a glass of water, yeah?" he told her, stroking her hair shortly waiting for her to nod before he left the room to go downstairs.

She heard him run, as if he didn't want to leave her alone for even a minute. Just as she had put on her underwear and sweatpants, Dom hurried back into the room with a glass in his hands, stopping in his tracks when he saw she wasn't done yet.

"D- Do you want me to look away?" he asked insecurely, looking back even before she answered him just to be sure she wouldn't freak out.

She knew why he was asking it, but it was still weird because he had been her boyfriend for many months now and he had seen her naked countless of times. They even had sex not even twelve hours earlier.

Liv shook her head in response and pulled her t shirt over her head quickly to avoid him feeling guilty for looking. Dom nodded and sighed as he walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, handing her the glass which she took with trembling hands.

"Easy," Dom whispered when a few drops of water spilled on her pants because she was shaking so much. He rested both of his hands on hers to keep the glass steady and followed her movements as she brought it to her lips.

Liv only took one sip though before she put it down on the night stand, seeing how Dom had his eyebrow raised as a way of asking her what else she needed right now. She didn't say anything to him though and just climbed onto his lap, pressing her shaking body against his chest so he could hold her. Although Dom was confused, he pulled her close instantly, kissing her hair.

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