chapter 17

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She wanted to hate him again so bad. So bad. But it would have been a lot easier if she had never kissed his pink lips and she had never spent the night at his house where he carried her downstairs and she heard his soft chuckle while he tried to act like he was annoyed by her.

It would have been very simple if she would have never seen him tear up in the bathroom and she would have never locked eyes with him while he was holding her back from hitting him, right before he left the bathroom.

But all of that did happen, and she couldn't turn it back. So now she was stuck with the thought of his shiny eyes and his lips on hers and she couldn't get rid of it.

It didn't really help that he was living next to her. She hadn't even spoken to him for days, or even made eye contact. But just the thought of him sitting in his room every night studying the same things as she was while being just a few meters away from her drove her insane and she didn't know why.

The thing that drove her insane the absolute most, was the fact that when she had opened their text conversation sometime at night, she had seen him typing. Only for a few seconds, until the dots disappeared. It left her to wonder what he had been wanting to say to her and if she should have asked him. But she never did.

All she did was try to avoid looking at his house, even when she was walking past it to enter her own house.

Actually, she was trying her best. But she couldn't help but notice how only Dom's car was on the driveway and all lights were off except his bedroom light, when she walked back home from being at Dani's house all day.

It made her stop in her tracks and scan her eyes over the house. If she wanted to talk, this was her chance to talk to him.

She didn't even want to talk, but something in her begged her to talk to him again just so she could see him again. Even if that meant fighting.

She was staring at his house for so long, it took her a while to realize Dom was looking right back at her, from out of his bedroom window. It caused Liv's heart to pick up its pace but she couldn't take her eyes off him. It had been so long since they last even looked at each other, it felt addictive to do it now.

Dom was the first to look away, and she watched him move away from the window but not close the blinds. The way Dom moved away did help Liv to snap out of her trance and she turned around to finally walk to her front door and put the key in the lock. As soon as she did that, she turned back around to look at Dom's house once again, and that was enough to change her mind.

She took the key out of the lock and crossed the street to go to his front door instead. For a moment she just stood there, hating herself for what she was about to do, but then she pressed the door bell. She looked up at Dom's room again after she did it, but couldn't see him anymore. That didn't last for long, as a few seconds later he was standing right in front of her, holding the doorknob in his hands.

"Kiss me," Liv told him emotionlessly when Dom was just staring at her, a confused look all over his pretty face.

"What?" He frowned deeply.

"Fucking kiss me. If you want to be the fuckboy so bad, please kiss me."

"Liv I'm not gonna do this shit."

"So you're gonna fuck two girls you don't know but you won't kiss me because I ask you to?" Liv asked him, frowning too as she wrapped both of her arms over her chest because honestly, she was freezing to death. She wasn't even wearing a jacket. Just his sweater, because she never returned it to him and it was comfortable.

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