chapter 52

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Six months later

"Is Mr. Harrison picking you up again today Liv?"

Her history teacher swung open the classroom door and gave both Liv and Dani a warm smile. A lot had changed in the past months, but Liv never stopped doing her homework after school in her history teacher's classroom. It was how her dad liked it, so he was sure she'd pass the year because there was someone who could check if she actually did her work.

Dani loved to join her during her study sessions, even though Liv knew damn well it was only because Dani had a huge crush on the teacher. She didn't mind that that was the reason though. She loved spending time with Dani and they were lucky Dani was allowed to study at Liv's school in the first place because a private school actually meant no one was allowed to visit.

"He- He isn't. He hasn't responded to my texts all day, actually," Liv stuttered, looking down at her phone for the umpteenth time to make sure she really had her wifi turned on because honestly it was very unlike Dom. Even though they had been together for so long, he still responded to her texts immediately most of the time.

She had to admit it had changed a bit in the past few weeks though, but it was nothing she could blame him for. She knew he had exams that he really wanted to pass.

"He hasn't?" Dani asked her indignantly, frowning deeply as she turned her head away from her notebook after being focused on studying geography for a while. She was still in the same class as Dom was; that had never changed after Liv transferred schools. So Dani had the exact same exams as he had. It was weird seeing both her best friend and boyfriend study for the same things while Liv was doing something totally different.

"No," Liv said, "but it's fine. Don't worry. He's just busy."

"Busy? Liv, I'm busy too. With the exact same things. And I still had the time to come here and hang out with you, even though we've been studying most of the time. There's no reason for him to not text you back."

Dani sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest, letting her eyes fall on the history teacher for a second, who was just looking at them with a slight frown on his face. Dani had never tried to make a move on the man though, which Liv was happy about. It was because Liv had told Dani from the very start that the man had a boyfriend and he was probably gay.

"He has been really stressed about this geography exam. It's his worst subject," Liv tried to justify even though she knew her friend was kind of right.

"I don't care. He's been acting really fucking strange for the past few weeks. It doesn't sit right with me."

"No he hasn't," Liv denied, feeling herself getting nervous instantly because of the thought of Dom acting differently. She couldn't even imagine him leaving her anymore. They talked about marrying each other at least once a week, and she was so convinced she'd stay with him the rest of her life, she couldn't even imagine a life without him.

"He literally has," Dani said seriously. "Didn't he literally forget your date with him last week? It's something he has never done before. And he used to come here to study with you all the fucking time, but how many times has he been here in the past three weeks? Once, maybe? And didn't you literally tell me how he randomly fought-"

"He's just stressed, Dani," Liv cut her friend off quickly before she would give her more reasons to agree with her because Liv really just didn't want to admit Dani could be right.

Dani opened her mouth to argue but when she noticed the sad look on Liv's face, she sighed and mumbled, "he's just being a fucking asshole. That's all."

Liv shook her head as she looked at the white clock on the wall real quick and closed her book when she saw it was almost time to go home.

"He bought me flowers last week," she said as a way to defend Dom's behavior. It only made Dani laugh in a sarcastic way.

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