chapter 43

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"Liv. Olivia."

Her history teacher snapped his fingers in front of Liv's face to make her look up from the paper, into his eyes. He smiled when their eyes locked, but Liv gave him a lifeless look back.

"Do you understand the questions?" he whispered.

Liv shrugged, not even caring enough to look down and read the questions. "Don't know."

"This test is quite important. Please try to at least answer some questions."

Liv sighed and the teacher was about to turn around and walk away when Liv whispered, "I can't."

It made him turn right back and sigh as well.

"Try to do a few, okay? I know it's hard."

Instead of doing so, Liv let her pen fall on her desk and leaned back in her chair, hands disappearing in the sleeves of her sweater.

"I could barely even study. I don't know any of these."

Of course the teacher had to treat every student the same, and be as fair as possible in grading exams, but when he saw tears shining in Liv's eyes he picked up her paper and pen and beckoned her to follow him. He made her sit down next to him behind his own desk, facing the classroom. No one was paying attention to them at all though.

"You were doing very well in school for a bit. I know you're able to do it," he whispered, placing the test and her pen back on the desk in front of her.

"You know why," Liv said, just staring at the pen on the table with her arms wrapped over her chest.

Her teacher nodded. "And I've tried to talk to your dad about it but he's not gonna change his mind. But just know that you can do it, Liv."

"I can't and I don't fucking want to," Liv argued.

"When my boyfriend broke up with me when I was around your age, I was broken for literally weeks too. I couldn't do anything: I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep..."

Liv pressed her lips together, not responding to what her teacher told her. She knew that whatever advice he'd give her, it wouldn't work anyway.

"But I realized that it was so much better without him. And that it was so dumb to let my days depend on one single person so much. While there are literally so many other people around you."

"You don't understand," Liv told him, shaking her head. "I've never been in love with anyone except Dom. And I know I will never fall in love with anyone else."

"You will, Liv," the man told her, his hand making its way to her shoulder to comfort her. "It feels like the end of the world now but in a few weeks or months you'll realize-"

"It's not the same as a normal breakup!" she cut him off, still whispering as the last thing she wanted was get attention from her classmates. "I broke up with him and we didn't even want to and I'm so worried about him and I-"

She couldn't even get further as her voice started cracking up and she felt tears filling her eyes. Nervously, trying her best to not make her cry while her teacher was with her and she was literally in front of the class, she picked up her pen and stared down at the paper she hadn't written anything on yet.

"He understood why you did it, right?" the teacher said softly, rubbing her shoulder gently.

"Even if he did I'm just so worried and I miss him so much."

She could hear the teacher breathe in slowly, hold it, and then breathe out just as slow as he probably ran out of things to say. Only when he saw a tear falling from Liv's eye onto her paper, he rolled his chair back and said, "I'll get you a glass of water. We'll finish the test together after class, okay? So you at least have a good grade."

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