chapter 61

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"Have you uhh, by any chance heard something from Dom since he went to the store?"

Dom's mom turned around to smile warmly at Liv, like she always did, but at the mention of Dom she immediately started frowning.

"I haven't," she said, "why's he at the store by himself?"

After Dom's mom came back from what was apparently her work trip, she found out about everything that happened. The first days she was just in utter shock, unable to let Dom go. She had gone from yelling at him to crying in his arms to doing everything for him, all in the span of a few days.

She finally had calmed down a little, but Liv knew his mom was happy Liv had stayed with Dom ever since she found him. His mom needed the support, so bad.

It hadn't been easy for Liv either though; far from that. Every day was exhausting and hard for her, with Dom either yelling at her or crying his eyes out and throwing up.

Ever since yesterday, he started doing better, and he even proposed to go to the store and get them some things for dinner tonight.

"He really wanted to," Liv told the woman, already regretting saying yes to him when he asked. "He said he wanted to prove something to himself and he could only do it when he was alone. He promised to text me if he was on his way home."

"But he didn't," Dom's mom guessed, Liv shaking her head in response.

"Jesus I-"

She was speaking softly, unable to get mad at Liv. She turned around though, only to run her hands through her hair nervously before letting her eyes fall on Liv again.

"Have you tried calling him?"

Liv nodded. "A few times. He didn't pick up."

The woman bit her lip as she was shaking her head. "I just- Why did you think it was a good idea? He's only been doing better since yesterday afternoon. We have no idea what he's doing now. For all we know he could be-"

Liv's heart dropped, because she knew exactly what she meant. And Dom's mom was right; the fact that Dom was doing better didn't mean he'd never touch any kind of drug again.

"Oh god this is bad," the woman panicked, running her now shaking hands through her hair again and looking around her restlessly. "We have to- we have to find him. We have to leave right now, Liv before-"

The woman had already passed Liv to rush out of the living room when she completely froze. Liv hadn't turned around yet but she did now, and she saw Dom standing in the entrance of the room, a slight smile on his face and red roses in his hands.

"It was very busy at the store," he said, unable to contain his smile. "That's why I'm a little late."

"You should've called, Dom! We were so worried about you! We-"

His mom was walking in Dom's direction with her arms open so she could hold his face and make him look at her as she talked to him, but Dom avoided her right on time and slipped past her, walking towards Liv while holding out the roses.

"Bought them for you, baby."

She could see how excited he was, to finally be able to make her happy again, and it made Liv tear up instantly. She was about to take them from Dom, but he pulled them back quickly.

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