chapter 57

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"No," Liv breathed out in disbelief as she started shaking her head, unable to take her eyes off Dom's. His eyes widened in confusion.


"You're lying to me."

Dom gasped and shook his head as well. "I'm not? Why would I lie to y-"

"Cut the fucking bullshit for once, please!" she yelled at him, making the room go dead silent after. It didn't take long until she filled that silence again by talking to him.

"Tell me the truth," she said, much more quiet.

Dom ran his trembling hands through his hair, frowning deeply. "There's- There's no- This is the truth."

"It fucking isn't. I know the truth. I just wanna hear it from you."

"Liv, I promise. I promise this is-"

"You're lying!"

Liv pushed away his hands that were touching hers right now, trying to get ahold of them. She felt herself tearing up by just looking into his eyes, knowing she lost him right there. Even though he hadn't told her the truth yet, she knew she lost him and everything they had. All because of him.


"Tell me right fucking now!" she yelled him, her voice breaking. She aggressively rubbed her eyes to prevent tears from falling down and looked at him again. "Or do you want some help with that, huh?! Let me help you a little. Care to explain your giant pupils? And the way you're fucking shaking and always sniffing? And the way you're acting so fucking strange? Tell me, Dom!"

Dom opened his mouth but nothing came out. He just sighed and looked down, back up, and back down again.

"Tell me," Liv said again, almost begging him at this point. The way her voice broke for the second time made Dom make eye contact with her again.

"Coke," he breathed out, almost inaudible but it was enough for Liv's heart to shatter into tiny little pieces.

"Say it again," she told him. She didn't even want to hear it for a second time but part of her was hoping it was all a mistake. That this wasn't real and it would all make sense in another way.

But it didn't. It was real.

"It's drugs, okay? It's- It's cocaine."

"Please tell me you're kidding," Liv said to him, her voice small. Dom pressed his lips together so firm they turned white and he shook his head, looking back down again.

Liv couldn't hold back her tears any longer and buried her face in her hands as she let out a sob. She felt how Dom immediately reached out to touch her, but she pushed him away with a lot of force.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she yelled. "Don't you dare to fucking touch me!"

Dom immediately sat back when she yelled at him like that. He was unable to sit still, but Liv was unsure if it was because he was anxious or because of the fact that he was on literal drugs. It only made her angrier.

"Why, Dom?!" she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks now.

"I'm sor-"

"Oh you're sorry?!" she cut him off immediately, taking her hands away from her face to look up at him. He was biting his trembling bottom lip harshly and picking on the skin of his fingers.

"That's all you're gonna say?! You're sorry?! Why would you even be sorry, huh? If you were really sorry you wouldn't have taken it in the first place!"

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