chapter 48

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"You're not a bad boyfriend, Dom! Are you gonna say that the entire day now just because we didn't get to get fucking ice cream?!"

"No I'm saying it because I put you in danger all the fucking time! And you had to take care of me last night because I couldn't even stand on-"

"That doesn't mean you're a bad boyfriend! It's bullshit!"

"No it's not!"

Liv groaned and stood up from the bed to leave the room. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Dom had been trying to convince Liv he was bad for her ever since they came back home. Of course she was nice to him at the start, telling him that didn't think bad of him at all, but it started to become annoying now. Nothing seemed to convince him that he was not a bad person and Liv started getting tired.

"Are you leaving because you're mad?" Dom asked, making Liv stop in her tracks and turn around.

"What's it with you being so insecure all of a sudden?" She frowned.

She expected Dom to either try to convince her again that he was a shitty boyfriend, or to deny it, but instead he shrugged and looked down at his hands. Liv let her shoulder and softened her eyes when she realized why he was so insecure. She left him before, even though he had done nothing wrong. Of course he was scared she was going to do that again.

He was probably thinking the same things as he did yesterday, at the party, but because he was sober he wasn't saying his thoughts out loud.

"I'm sorry," Liv sighed as she walked back to the bed and sat down on Dom's lap, legs wrapped around his waist like she had the day before. Dom probably didn't remember how they had been sitting there like that though.

"It's fine," Dom said but he avoided eye contact with her at all costs and instead stared at the open door of her room. "It's just in my head."

"Yeah it is," she told him as she kissed his temple softly before pressing the side of her head against his and hugged him tightly. "Don't worry about it, okay?"

Dom didn't respond or even nod, so she knew he was still afraid she would actually leave. The thought made Liv sigh and hold him tighter.

"Don't worry about it," she said again, this time in a whisper. "I won't leave you. Not when my dad starts being weird again, not when we fight, just not ever."

"Go shower, honey," Dom whispered, resting his hands on her hips instead of having his arms around her which made her let go of the hug as well. She looked him in the eyes and smiled lightly. Dom did the same back.

She pressed her lips on his, making it a long kiss. Then she finally climbed off him and walked over to the door, turning around once again to make sure he was fine now. Dom grabbed his phone and laid his back down on the bed, so she guessed he was. Better than a few moments ago.

"Next time you fight please do it more quietly."

Liv jumped at the voice talking behind her just as she was about to enter the bathroom and turned around. It was her dad.

"I had a phone call and you two were screaming. It was embarrassing for me."

"I'm sorry," she said, smiling a little.

"What was it about?"

"Just... something small. But we yell at each other quickly because we're both very..."

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now