chapter 31

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"You're hurting me, you're-"

Liv flinched and pushed Dom away in a reflex, biting her lip in pain. She turned to the mirror to look at her cheek and sighed when she saw the bruise had only gotten more red. She knew it was normal because it was irritated and it would most likely fade soon, but it was still frustrating.

Dom tossed the healing cream he got from the school nurse from his one hand to another and sighed. "I know it hurts. It helps, though."

Liv saw how Dom looked at her through the small mirror in the teacher's bathroom that they could fortunately use so Dom could take care of her bruise. She attempted to smile, just so he would smile back at her which he did.

"Sorry," she whispered, moving back to where she was standing before. "Go on."

Dom's smile didn't leave his face, although it was small, and he placed his hands on Liv's shoulders to turn her towards the mirror so she saw their reflection again.

She held her breath waiting for him to say something, but instead Dom bent down to kiss her cheek softly. Only once, and then looked back at her in the mirror, his hair tickling against her face.

The long eye contact made them both chuckle and to hide his laugh, Dom kissed her cheek again.

"It's sad when a pretty face is bruised," he whispered, moving up to her ear so she'd hear him well. He kissed it and removed his head right after so she didn't even have the chance to react. Dom opened the healing cream bottle again.

Liv turned her head to look at him as he prepared to take care of her bruise again, but before she could even rest her eyes on him for two seconds, Dom turned her head and held her jaw as he forced her to look at herself in the mirror. With his other hand, he applied the healing cream on her bruise.

Liv breathed in sharply and closed her eyes to focus on something else rather than the pain.

"Open them," Dom commanded, although his voice was soft. "I want you to see what I see."

"What? A bruise?" Liv asked him, and she knew she ruined Dom's little sweet moment, but he just laughed.

"Too, and a pretty face."

Sometimes Liv had a hard time taking in the compliments Dom gave her, because she was bad at expressing her own feelings and she thought Dom was too, but in the past days he had given her tons of compliments.

Liv let it be silent for a few to calm down the feeling in her stomach but then whispered, "how do you know you're in love?"

If she could turn back time, she would have done that immediately after she said that. Because she had never regretted saying something that much.

A question like that, in the school bathroom.

Liv couldn't really tell if Dom thought it was weird as well, as his only reaction at first was to chuckle.

"The feeling is different for everyone, I guess," he eventually told her as he tapped his fingers on her bruise with the cream as if her question was just a simple one he got on the daily.

"Have you ever been in love?" Liv asked him, because she figured that since she already started about it now, she could as well go further.

Dom didn't really react to her question though; he just hummed. But it was too vague for Liv to figure out if the hum meant a yes, no, or that he didn't even know it himself.

"And you? Have you ever been in love?" Dom then asked her, which was unfair because he hadn't given her a normal answer so why would she give him one?

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