chapter 22

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"I'm so tired of this shit," Liv whined as she let her head fall back and looked up at Dom's ceiling. She heard him chuckle as he fell back in his office chair.

"We had to work on it sometime. We're never gonna pass it otherwise."

"I probably get expelled so it doesn't even matter."

"So you don't care if I fail this project too?"

Liv turned to look at Dom and saw him pouting. She playfully rolled her eyes and said, "I do but I don't wanna work on a project I'm not even gonna hand in because I'll get kicked out of the fucking school."

"You probably won't get expelled," Dom said seriously.

"How do you know?"

He shrugged. "They won't go that far."

"Anna was in the fucking hospital, Dom."

Dom tried so hard not to grin at the thought but he failed and quickly hid his face in his shirt as he did. "You didn't hold back, did you?"

Liv shook her head and grinned too, watching him struggle to be serious. She was still looking at his face when he suddenly locked eyes and grabbed both of her hands to pull her up from the chair she was sitting on and place her on his lap.

Liv leaned back against his chest and felt Dom's arms wrapping around her waist, his hands finding hers to play with them. They both didn't say anything for a while and Liv didn't really know what to say so she just started reading whatever they had written down in the past thirty minutes for the English project they still had done barely anything for.

Dom rested his chin on Liv's shoulder as he started reading the screen too, but Liv quickly zoned out from reading when Dom intertwined his fingers with hers.

She looked down at them, but as soon as she looked, Dom let her hands to to use one of his hands to push her head up again and tilt it to the side. He then very gently pressed his warm lips on the side of her neck that was now exposed, and didn't hesitate to hold her hands again.

Liv closed her eyes at the feeling of Dom placing short kisses in her neck trying to find the perfect spot, and when he finally did he started sucking a little. It didn't take long until Liv let out a soft moan, encouraging Dom to go on on that exact spot.

"I learned something about you, Liv," Dom spoke quietly. She felt his breath brushing over her neck as he spoke, giving her goosebumps everywhere.

"I learned that you're very closed when you don't trust someone, which makes you aggressive sometimes because you want to protect yourself."

Liv honestly wondered where Dom was going with this and why he was analyzing her like that and telling her, but she just nodded and listened.

"But once someone gains your trust, you let them lead you. Only if they're being careful though. And if they keep being that careful, they may be able to get a bigger piece of your heart every single day."

He was talking about himself; she could sense it. She liked that he looked at it like that, though. It felt special how he tried to figure her out like that.

Dom let it be silent for a few seconds but Liv soon felt his lips attached to her skin again. This time not in one place, but they moved further up to her jawline, and her ear. Dom was tucking her hair behind her ear to have all access, and all Liv could do was just sit like she was frozen, waiting for whatever Dom wanted to do.

"This is what I mean," Dom whispered in her ear, giving Liv the realization that his lips were closer to her ear than she thought. "If I'm careful, you let me do whatever I want, don't you?"

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