chapter 67

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Liv had turned on the shower and was feeling the water every few seconds to see if it was the right temperature while she was taking off her clothes at the same time.

She was caught up in her own thoughts really while Dom was taking his clothes off too. Only when she heard him nervously shuffle on the cold bathroom floor, he got her attention and she turned around to face him, seeing him stand in front of her with just his boxers on.

"Do you want me to keep them on?" he asked her nervously, eyeing the shower quickly before looking back at her. Liv raised her eyebrow before she shook her head with a small smile.

"No. No of course not. Take them off, I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" Dom asked insecurely, slowly moving his hands to the elastic of his boxers but not pulling it down yet.

Liv nodded. "Of course."

The fact that he was so careful with her and what he did around her made Liv feel some type of way. It constantly reminded her how she was right about him completely losing himself when he was on cocaine but finding himself back right after. This was the Dom she fell in love with, and she was glad he didn't just brush away the things he had done while he was on drugs. Although he could be a little too insecure at times, but she only loved him for it. 

There was an unconscious smile on Liv's face as she was thinking about how he cared about her so much, but it left as soon as he pulled his boxers down and she noticed something.

"H- Have you changed your mind? I promise I can-" Dom trailed off, sliding his boxers back up when he saw Liv's wide eyes. She quickly stopped him by shaking her head though.

"It's just that you... I'm sorry I can't give you back what you're giving me," she said quietly, looking down at her hands as she sighed.

"What do you mean? Darling you-"

"You're still hard and it even looks painful. I should have done something back to you while you were making me feel good. I couldn't even make you feel good."

Liv didn't even look at Dom as she spoke, as she was too embarrassed to talk about it for some reason. She instead hooked her fingers together and started playing with them.

"Baby..." Dom breathed out, his boxers now dropping to the floor so he could step out of them and walk over to Liv. He placed his thumb under her chin to push her head up.

"I promise it's alright," he said softly, brushing his fingers over her bottom lip while his thumb remained under her chin so she couldn't let her head fall back down.

She could shake her head though, so she did and she stared at something behind him because she refused to show him the tears that formed in her eyes. It took her only two seconds before she aggressively wiped them away and moved her hands down, determined to make Dom feel good. But before she could even touch Dom in the slightest bit, he grabbed her wrists firmly and held them next to her body.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he asked her in shock, his voice raised. The way he was almost shouting caused Liv to look into his eyes with her own eyes wide. Her lip started trembling and she shrugged as she whispered, "I just want to make you feel good."

"Are you fucking insane, Liv?!"

She wasn't particularly surprised he was shocked, but she was surprised at the fact that he seemed angry at her. She meant it well; the only thing she wanted right now was give him back what he just gave to her.

"Look at me," he commanded when she looked away for just a second. She did what he said and there was still a frown on his face, but when he saw how a single tear rolled down her cheek, his expression softened and he let her hands go just to put them on her shoulders and gently guide her to the edge of the bath to make her sit down.

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