chapter 70

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"You told me you took your pills this morning."

"Because I did take them, Dom!"

"No you didn-"

"Okay so only because I said 'fuck', you think I didn't take my pills?"

Liv frowned deeply, sitting on the edge of Dom's bed while she had been watching him draw in his sketchbook. He had been doing that ever since she had came back in his room, after spending the night at home.

She hadn't even been back for five minutes and they were already fighting. Over something stupid.

"You didn't just say fuck, Liv. You said it way too aggressive and for what? Only because you accidentally hurt your finger on my lighter?"

Liv rolled her eyes and threw the lighter she had been playing with back on Dom's bed, only to cross her arms over her chest instead.

"As if you never swear. You swear all the time," she told him annoyedly. "And when I do it, I'm suddenly 'too aggressive'."

Dom looked up from his sketchbook when he noticed the annoyed tone in her voice and he sighed. "Liv, hey."

He tried to poke her with the pencil in his hand, but he was a little too far away from her to be able to do that and even though Liv obviously saw his movement in the corner of her eyes, she didn't react to it.

"Oh are we angry now?" Dom asked her, suddenly rather amused.

"I'm not angry," Liv denied, which was ironic because she really did look very pissed off at the moment. To prove her point, she took her arms away from her chest again and rested her hands on the bed instead. "I'm just saying that you always swear and I never do."

"You never do?!" Dom repeated her in disbelief, almost gasping. "You always do! Just as much as I do!"

"Oh yeah?" Liv asked, raising her eyebrow as she finally looked at him. "I bet I can go the longest without swearing."

"Oh you wanna bet? Are you sure?" Dom smirked, licking his lips and looking like he had been waiting for this moment for ages. Liv nodded seriously.

"The one who wins can make the other do whatever they want," she decided, causing Dom's smirk to only grow which immediately told her he had already planned something.

"Anything?" be asked.

Liv nodded. "But I'm gonna win anyway."

The hours that followed were long, because although both of them swore they didn't even swear that much, they were almost too afraid to talk. When they did, they talked very slow and careful, to make sure they didn't slip.

They had watched a movie together in the meantime, and after that Liv had gone to the bathroom to take a shower. She thought it was smart, so she could avoid talking to Dom and she'd make sure she wouldn't accidentally slip.

But because she wasn't with Dom for a moment and she didn't constantly watch her words, she slipped much easier. It only took her to hit her to against the corner of the bath for her to mumble "fuck" under her breath, immediately realizing what she said.

With her lips firmly pressed together, she finished whatever else she had to do in the bathroom before she walked back to Dom, who was again drawing.

"Did you have a nice shower darling?" he asked her without looking up from his sketchbook. Liv nodded although she wasn't even sure if he saw it.

"Yeah?" he asked her.

"Yeah," Liv mumbled, thinking he did that just because he hadn't seen her nod. But when she turned to look at him, he was actually looking at her with his lips pursed, as if he was waiting for her to say more.

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