chapter 60

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Liv had woken up way before Dom. The longer she was awake, the more her stomach started hurting because she couldn't remember the last time she had eaten something.

She didn't get out of bed to get food though. Not before Dom was awake. She didn't want to risk him waking up without her.

So instead she was just trying to focus on his heartbeat instead of her stomach growls, and she was tracing her fingers over his skin absently.

Part of her wanted him to wake up, just so she could talk to him and make sure he was alright. Part of her prayed he would sleep for the rest of the day, just because he was at peace right now and she had no idea what state he would be in once he was awake.

That insecurity was the reason she jumped a little when she heard his breathing pattern change and felt him move a tiny bit. Her heart started beating faster when small sounds escaped from his lips, like he was whining.

As a reaction to it, Liv stopped moving her fingers over his arms and instead grabbed his hand to hold it gently and play with his fingers

She was laying next to him on her stomach, while he had been on his back all night. He had barely moved which was remarkable, kind of.

Liv noticed how his head turned to the side, but for some reason she was too scared to look at him yet. She did immediately look at him though when he breathed out, "Liv?"

"Hey. How are you feeling?" she asked him softly, moving her shaking hand to his face to touch it and stroke it gently.

She was hiding the fact that she was a little scared of him at the moment, as he was so unpredictable and Colson had told her about possible withdrawal symptoms and they freaked her out.

Colson wasn't there to help her anymore either, as he had gone home to sleep. He had td her she could call him at any time though.

"How are you feeling baby?" she tried again when Dom didn't answer and instead was just staring at her. This time, he only shook his head and moved so he could bury it in her neck, letting out quiet whimpers.

"Not good?" she guessed, pulling him closer immediately.

"No," Dom whispered before he let out a broken sob. His entire body was shaking again, and although it scared her, she knew he wasn't gonna get another seizure.

"Shh, what do you feel?" Liv asked him, her voice as soft as possible. She was running her fingers through his hair while the other hand was tightly wrapped around his back to try to stop his shaking.

"G- Gonna die," Dom cried.

"You're not gonna die. Can you look at me?"

Dom shook his head, his shoulder shocking as he was sobbing. "Y- You- You're not even h- here."

Liv's heart dropped when he said that. She had been holding his hand all night, making sure he was alright, and he didn't even think it was real.

"I am here, Dom," she said sadly as she moved her fingers over his favorite spot on the back of his head hoping it'd make him realize he wasn't imagining anything.

He shook his head again though. "N- No. I'm hallucinating a- again. I know."

"You're not." She kissed his head. "Have you hallucinated before?"

Dom nodded and sobbed again, letting out a painful scream with it. He suddenly wrapped his arms around Liv's slender body tightly, pushing her onto his chest.

"L- Liv," he sobbed out, burying his face in her neck in a way she could feel his tears streaming down her skin.

"Shh," she whispered to him, touching his cheek again to wipe his tears away.

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