chapter 35

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TW // sexual content

(If you're uncomfortable with this, skip this chapter and go to the next one)


"No, it's unfair."

Liv sat up from laying on Dom's chest while they had been watching tv together, and she noticed how Dom immediately turned down the volume when she spoke.

"What is?"

"That you can stroke my hair but I can't stroke yours because you're still wearing the wig. So you won't feel it."

Dom grinned and rolled his eyes, pulling Liv back against his chest and hugging her tightly for a second to make her squeal.

"That's everything you're worried about right now?" he asked. "You fucking scared me. I thought something was going on."

"Something is going on," Liv protested, dramatically sighing. "I wanna give the same back!"

"You're so- You want me to take it off?"

Dom already had his hands going towards his wig, but Liv quickly stopped him. "No. You look good with the red hair."

"Then what do you want?" Dom asked, acting frustrated, throwing his hands in the air. Liv giggled and made sure she made eye contact with him for a little longer than she normally did before letting her eyes fall and shrug.

Dom was quick to place his hand under her chin and push her head up to make her make eye contact again. "What do you want, hm?"

She almost felt small again by the way he was looking at her and holding her face like that, but it had happened too often now. He couldn't walk all over her all the time.

So although she had already parted her lips to say something, she closed them and leaned in to kiss him harshly. She was happy to notice he was taken aback by her action, and he had to take a moment to catch on.

Dom was soon kissing her back as harsh, trying to push her back, which Liv didn't let him do. Instead, she pushed him against the headboard of the bed and climbed on top of him, holding his face firmly while she was leading the kiss.

Dom did well in going with her tempo, of course he wasn't going to let her win. But when Liv moved down to slowly grind on Dom's body, he gasped in the kiss and pulled her back by her hair.

Holding her black hair firmly in his hand, while the other was on her hips to stop her, he whispered, "patience, yeah?"

His hand was still in her hair when Liv leaned back in to kiss him, and even when she started grinding again Dom let her this time. Liv felt something beneath her harden, but she barely got the time to take that in as Dom pushed her off of him and threw her on the bed, on her back. He immediately made his way on top of her, pinning her hands above her head.

"I said," he whispered, leaning in to bite her bottom lip and pull it just like he had done in the elevator, "patience."

For a split second Liv thought about pushing him back so she was in the lead of whatever they were doing again, but when she felt Dom's lips in her neck while he still had her pinned on the bed, she decided that she didn't even want to be.

Dom searched for the right spot to place his lips on and Liv could hear him chuckle when she accidentally moaned once he found it. He kept his lips on that exact spot waiting for her to react again, but Liv stayed silent just to mess with him.

"Didn't you wanna give me something back?" Dom mumbled as his lips barely left her neck. The way he always caught her off guard by perfectly referring to things she had said to him earlier, never failed to surprise her. He knew exactly what he was doing.

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