chapter 68

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"There he is!"

All eyes were on Liv and Dom when they entered the living room of Adam's house, much later than the others.

"There's who?" Dom answered sarcastically, looking around him, just to hide how annoyed he was how all attention was on them now.

Adam rolled his eyes and smirked at them. "The two who thought it was more important to fuck instead of coming here on time, that's who."

He was probably aiming at the hickeys in both of their necks, which made Liv regret giving Dom one immediately because what Adam said made her insanely uncomfortable. Dom knew though, and he held her hand a little tighter, rubbing it.

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business, Adam? This is why no girls want you," Dom told him annoyedly, walking over to a free spot on the couch, guiding Liv with him.

Adam huffed, eyeing Liv from head to toe before he said, "I must admit you're lucky, yeah."

The sudden compliment caught both Dom and Liv off guard for a moment, and for some reason it caused Dom to push Liv behind him a little before he answered, "thank you. I know I am."

Dom let Liv's hand go only to sit down and tap on the couch on the free spot next to him. He looked up at her for a moment, raising his eyebrow which was everything he needed to do for Liv to know it was a way of asking her if she was feeling okay. Liv nodded with a slight smile and sat down next to him, kissing his cheek quickly.

Liv could hear Adam chuckle at her action but she ignored it, and she grabbed Dom's hand that was laying on the couch to pull it onto her lap and play with his fingers.

Dom let her do whatever throughout the night, and she ended up on his lap again. This time his legs weren't bouncing up and down nervously, and his arms were wrapped tightly around her as he kissed her cheek from time to time, nudging his nose against it.

Sometimes, at random moments when Dom was just talking to his friends not even paying attention to Liv that much, he would rest his hands in her lap and look down to check if her skirt was still covering enough. She knew he still kind of hated how she was wearing it in front of his friends even though none of them even commented on it or noticed it. Maybe only Adam.

Liv smiled faintly when Dom looked down for maybe the fifth time to check her skirt, and she was about to let her head fall back on his shoulder, when she felt his hands on her hips, making her jump a little.

"Stand up for me a second darlin'."

Liv did what he said without questioning him, but raised her eyebrow when he stepped away from the couch, gently pushing her back down and kissing her head.

"What are you gonna do?" she asked, making him chuckle and lean in just so he could hold her face with one hand, squeezing her cheeks.

"Just going to the toilet. You were sitting on my bladder."

He chuckled again, making Liv smile too and lean in to kiss his soft lips.

"Okay," she nodded, and her eyes remained on him the entire time as he walked out of the room. Only when she could impossibly see him anymore, she looked back at her hands.

"He ain't leaving you for the rest of the night Livvie. He's just going for a piss," Ben, one of Dom's friends who had barely even spoken to her before, said to her with a smirk on his face. Liv tried her best not to roll her eyes at both what he said to her and the way he used that nickname, because she hated it.

"No I know," she mumbled, looking back down before nervously picking up her glass from the table to take a sip. The way none of them was talking at the moment made her nervous in a strange way.

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