chapter 33

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She didn't care where they'd go. As long as she'd leave town and she'd be with him.

That's what she told him; they never even talked about a specific place they wanted to go. In fact, Liv fell asleep soon after that as she had barely slept the night before.

She woke up by some noises in the room though, and immediately noticed how it was dark already. There was a tiny light turned on: just big enough for Liv to see it was Dom who made the noise.

"What are you doing?" she whispered because she had no idea what time it could be and it looked like Dom was trying to be quiet too. Although she was whispering, Dom still jumped at her voice.

"Oh hey." He turned around and smiled, a grey sweater in his hands. "Did I wake you up?"

Liv shrugged and let her eyes glide from his hands to the backpack next to him on the ground. "What are you doing?" she asked him for a second time.

"Packing stuff," he answered her as he picked up the backpack and put his sweater in it. "We should leave tonight."

This made her sit up straight in Dom's king sized bed. "Now?"

Dom nodded as he walked to his already opened closet and got out another sweater.

"I wanna leave before my mom wakes up and before your dad knows you're here."

"Dom you don't have t-"

"Do you like this sweater?" Dom cut her off, not letting her tell him she didn't want to force him to go with her. She already felt bad about it, even though she didn't want to go without him either.

"You don't have to come with-"

"Do you like it or not?" Dom cut her off a second time. Liv sighed in frustration but nodded as she looked at the grey sweater he was holding up.

"Good," he smiled, picking up the backpack to put the sweater in it. "You can wear that one then."

She wondered how long he has been packing, but the backpack looked pretty full, and Dom even zipped it closed after putting the sweater in it.

He swung the bag over his shoulder and walked up to the bed, holding out both of his hands.

Liv laid her hands in his and let him pull her up. Once she was standing in front of him, feeling quite small as he was towering over her even though he wasn't that much taller than she was, Dom let her hands go to touch her face.

"I only do things when I really want to," he whispered. "You get that?"

Liv tried to search for his eyes in the dark room and nodded slowly although she was a little lost.

"I'm going with you because I want to. So I don't want you to feel guilty about it, okay?"

Liv nodded again, this time a little more confident as she finally grasped what he was saying. It was dark, but still light enough for her to see him smile before he cupped her cheek and pressed his lips on hers.

"You still in?" he asked her. His breath was brushing over her lips as he was still close, and this time Liv whispered "yes" instead of nodding as something in her was too scared to even move with her boyfriend this close.

Dom kissed her again and then guided her arms by holding them until they were around his neck.

"Jump," he commanded, which Liv did without questioning him. He caught her quickly and wrapped her legs around his hips.

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