chapter 76

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"Oh he's asleep."

Liv was about to hand over a tray with small apple slices to the boy so he could at least something because he refused to eat dinner. But when she came back to the couch she saw him sleeping on Dom's chest, the cartoon they had watched together still playing on the tv.

Dom's eyes were glued to the tv though as he nodded. "He is."

Liv watched Dom run his hand through the boy's hair while his other hand was around his body holding him so he wouldn't fall off his chest.

"He really likes you, doesn't he?" Liv asked Dom as she sat down on the other side of the couch, pressing her body against the side of the couch as Dom was taking in most of the space by lying down.

She was talking to him on a sweet tone, hoping he'd give her the same energy back because so far they had only ignored each other or snapped at each other and it was getting exhausting now.

But apparently Dom wasn't so quick to switch up and be nice again.

"What are you gonna do with him? He can't stay here forever," he asked her, his voice still as low as it had been all this time and he still refused to look her in the eyes.

Liv sighed slowly, holding her breath for a moment. She then shrugged.

"Trying to find the parents."

"How are you gonna do that?" he asked as he kept focusing on the tv as if the cartoon he was watching was something he could not miss. "You haven't done anything ever since you brought him home, have you?"

"I'm still thinking about what-"

"Maybe call the police," he said, and she looked at him just to see him roll his eyes.

"You know why I-"

Liv had already raised her voice at him just because the way he rolled his eyes at her made her defensive, but Dom held up his finger to silence her and shook his head, still staying weirdly calm like he didn't care anymore.

"Don't raise your voice at me again or I'll leave and this..." Dom nodded at the boy still fast asleep on his chest " your problem."

Liv looked at the boy too and saw how Dom stroked his soft cheeks shortly, probably to keep him calm and not let their conversation wake him up.

She sighed and sat back again, looking at the tv too. Surprisingly Dom was the first to talk again.

"What's wrong with you lately Liv?" he asked her, "why are you constantly so mad at me? What the fuck did I do wrong?"

The fact that he was still calm made him sound rather sad and genuinely confused instead of angry. It made her feel the same, because honestly she couldn't really give a good answer to his question. There was one, but she was too scared to say it.

"Do you wanna break up?" Dom asked her, a question that instantly made her heart skip a beat and turn her head to look at him. She shook her head heavily but didn't say a word.

"Then why are you acting like this, huh? You didn't even take the time to try to talk to me in the past few days. I wanted it to come from you."

"I wanted it to come from you," Liv told him quietly, avoiding eye contact again even though Dom was staring at her right now and it was something she had been begging for for hours.

"But why?" Dom asked. "It was you who started the fight, wasn't it?"

Liv shrugged again and rested her head on the couch to look at the ceiling. The fact that she wasn't answering made Dom groan quietly in frustration.

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