chapter 21

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Dom: where are you?

Liv: at the skate park. got suspended.

Dom: fuck

Dom: have you been home already?

Liv: nope not going home rn lol my dad is gonna kill me

Dom: i'm coming to the skate park

Dom: stay there yeah?

Liv didn't even want to tell him he shouldn't do that, because honestly she was happy he was coming. She was happy someone was coming so she wasn't alone, but especially Dom.

She had been sitting at the skate park for two hours so far, thinking about how Dom probably hated her because she got herself into trouble even though Dom had made her promise not to. And with every minute passing, she started to understand why he was angry with her more and more, up to the point she had convinced herself she had ruined everything between them.

So when she got a text from Dom, it honestly surprised her. And when he told her he was coming to see her, it surprised her even more.

Her hopes weren't high though; she hoped he wouldn't just come to get mad at her again. Especially because she had to tell him there would be a chance she would get expelled.

So nervously, fidgeting with her hands to calm herself down and to stay warm at the same time, she waited for Dom to arrive.

Not only was the school day over for a lot of people, but many were also heading home from work, which was the reason why Liv could barely hear her own thoughts over the cars passing the skate park on the highway next to it.

It was calming too in a way; Liv didn't think she'd like to be completely alone with her thoughts right now, with nothing interrupting it.

"How'd you come up there?"

Liv jumped when she heard someone talk. She couldn't only barely hear her thoughts because of the cars, but she also could impossibly hear anyone approaching her.

It was Dom though, and he giggled when he saw how much he had scared her.

Dom was standing on the bottom of the slope, his hands pressed on it as he looked up at Liv.

"Just... climb," she told him, watching him as he rolled his eyes and giggled for the second time.

"Thanks, Liv. You're great at giving advice," he spoke sarcastically.

"I know," Liv told him as she held out her hand for him to grab. "You need help, sir?"

"That'd be appreciated ma'am," Dom said, watching her laugh before he grabbed her hand. Liv immediately let go.

"You need to fucking run towards it and jump so I can pull you up. I'm not the fucking hulk."

"You aren't?" Dom replied in an overdramatic shocked tone, obviously covering up the fact that he hadn't even thought of running first.

"Sorry I can't be perfect."

Dom's chuckle faded in the wind when he turned around and ran over to the middle of the skate park, jumping a few times to get ready.

"Can I?" he yelled at her, making Liv roll her eyes but nod.

"You're so fucking dramatic."

She didn't know whether Dom heard her or not, but he didn't respond. He jumped on his spot two more times before running over to the hill and and pushing his foot on it to get up. Liv grabbed his hand and pulled him up in one move, watching him sit down next to her.

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