chapter 6

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When there was no answer, Liv groaned and picked something up from her desk to throw it at the wall behind her.



"Turn down your fucking music! It's trash!"

"It's not!"

"It is! And I'm trying to study!"

Finally, the loud music that had been annoying her for the past fifteen minutes got more quiet. Liv focused on her open book again out of which she hadn't been reading one single sentence yet.

"You're not even studying," her brother said right before he turned up his music again, but it was only to tease her, because just as Liv wanted to yell at him he turned it down again and laughed.

Liv rolled her eyes hearing her brother's laugh and let her eyes glide over the first sentence on the first page of the chapter. When she noticed she still had no idea what it was about, she sighed and instead rested her head on the book, turning her head so her cheek was laying on the desk.

She picked up her phone to check her messages, but soon saw she had nothing. She wasn't surprised; the only one who texted her daily was Dani. And they weirdly hadn't really talked after Liv pulled Dom away from that fight. It was like Dani had no idea what to do with Liv anymore, and honestly she couldn't blame her.

Thinking back, she didn't really know why she did it either, but she guessed she just really felt sorry. Maybe it was just the pills that had made her numb and do things she would normally stop herself from.

Either way it had caused a weird atmosphere between her and her friend for some reason.

Liv forced herself to sit up again and look at the book, staring at the pictures next to the text a little too long, clueless of what they meant. History was one of her worst subjects anyway. She had felt like she was behind on the rest of her class since the start of the year. Maybe that was why the text was so hard to read in the first place.

The music in her brother's room got louder again, which made it impossible for her to focus. But instead of yelling at him again, she just closed her book and rested her head on her desk.

She wanted to close her eyes, when she noticed how there was a light shining right into her room. There hadn't been a light coming from the window of the house on the other side of the street for years, because her old neighbors never used that room, only for stocking maybe.

But she had new ones, and her eyes shot open when she realized whom the light was coming from. Liv looked closer to see if she was right, and kept staring into the room when she realized she was. It was Dom's room. He had the exact same room as hers in his house, but on the opposite side of the road.

Apparently he had long noticed her, and before Liv knew it she was staring right into his eyes, as far as they could see each other's eyes.

Dom raised an eyebrow, Liv doing the same. She tried to see what was in front of him, and although she could barely see anything, she knew it was the history book. Dom noticed she was looking and looked down at his book as well before looking back up into Liv's room, trying to see if she had the book in front of her too.

It caused her to quickly open the text book and look down at it again, pretending she had never even noticed Dom and that he wasn't still looking at her. She could basically feel his eyes, though.

She was looking down at her book hard, knowing she was being judged, until she heard her phone buzz.

Somehow hoping it was Dani, Liv picked it up and stared at the screen a little longer than she normally did when she saw it was from Dom.

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