chapter 51

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"A tattoo, Liv?! Are you insane?! When did you get it done?!" Colson shout-whispered to be sure their dad wouldn't hear it. Although he was quiet, Liv still hushed him.

"Shh, just three weeks ago. But it's not that big. And it's matching with Do-"

"You and Dom got matching tattoos? That's even fucking worse."

Liv frowned. "No it's not."

"You guys fight almost every day, Liv. Every time Dom is here, I hear you guys scream. There's no way you're gonna last."

The frown on Liv's face only got bigger as she started getting mad at her brother. "I love him a lot and I know he loves me back. Yes we fight sometimes, but it's just because we both have dominant personalities."

Colson rolled his eyes and grinned. "Sure."

"Whatever. Maybe it's time for you to get a girlfriend instead of gaming all fucking day," Liv sneered at him as she turned around to leave his room.

"Maybe you should shut- Wait Liv you haven't even shown me your tattoo yet," Colson called her back which did make Liv stop and turn around, but she didn't lift up her shirt to show him the tattoo that was on her chest.

"I have to go anyway. Dom asked me if I wanted to pick him up from school today," she told her brother instead.

Colson's eyebrow went up as he smirked. "Dom really changed you, huh? A few months ago you would've never picked a boy up from school. I'm convinced you would've cringed at the idea."

This time it was Liv who rolled her eyes. "That's bullshit. Picking him up from school is just being nice. The bare minimum."

She already turned around when Colson spoke again.

"Sure. And getting couple tattoos is the bare minimum too hmm?"

"Bye Colson," Liv shouted overly sarcastic as she opened his bedroom door and left the room. She heard how her brother laughed and said to himself, but loud enough for Liv to hear it, "my sister's gone mad."

Liv couldn't help but smile a little because she knew Colson was happy for her, although he had never said that out loud. She could see it in his actions like sleeping in her bed when she went to pick up Dom from the party or the way he kept asking her how Dom was feeling and when he was coming over again.

She wondered if Colson missed Dom sometimes, as they used to be friends. Maybe she should ask him next time.

For now though, Liv grabbed her jacket to leave the house and go to Dom's school, her old echool, to pick him up before his last class was over. She was actually running a bit late; it wasn't a lie she had told her brother. But she had to be on time for this one thing as she always got mad at Dom whenever he was late for their homework date on her own school.

So Liv sprinted to the school, still knowing the route by heart. It wasn't so far away: a ten minute walk maybe which was five minutes if she ran.

By the time she arrived, students were already walking out the big doors heading home. Liv tried her best not to show how out of breath she was as she rested her hands on her knees and stared at the doors to see if Dom was coming out as well.

She didn't want to risk going inside as she was too scared to run into people she knew. It was not that she was scared of them, but she knew that she could not start another fight here. She had promised Dom to never physically fight again.

Only standing on the school yard already caused her to make eye contact with several people who obviously knew her. She hated how they all turned to their friends to whisper something, only to turn back to look at her together.

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