chapter 65

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"Do you have paracetamol with you? You tend to still get headaches sometimes right?"

"I don't have it right now, but-"

"Let me get some for you."

Before Dom could protest, Liv ran up the stairs, skipping a step every time, so she'd be upstairs quicker.

Dom was going into the city with his mom for the first time in weeks, just to spend some time together again after everything that had happened. It was cute, but Liv hated leaving him even if it was just for an hour. She had been with him all the time ever since he overdosed, and she was so used to being with him, the thought of being alone scared her.

She grabbed paracetamol out of the bathroom quickly and ran back to the hallway, where Dom and his mom both stood waiting for her, with their jackets on already ready to go.

"Here," Liv whispered as she shoved the package in the pocket of Dom's denim jacket before she fixed the collar quickly and leaned in to kiss his lips.

"Please call me when something's wrong, okay?" she told him, leaning in to kiss him again, but Dom just nodded and gently pushed her away.

"I'm with my mom, Liv. Not much can happen."

Liv sighed and shrugged, turning her head to look at Dom's mom when she jumped in.

"He'll be alright," she said, a kind smile on her face. Dom nodded in agreement and cupped Liv's cheek.

"Go home to spend some time with your dad, yeah? He probably misses you."

Liv shook her head, looking up at Dom which made her realize how much taller he was than her when he was wearing his creepers.

"I wanna be here when you get home."

Dom sighed, a very audible sigh which made Liv somewhat nervous.

"Just go home. You've been here for so long. I think your dad would appreciate it if you at least stay there to eat dinner."

Again, Liv shook her head. "I won't be there when you get back home. I'll go see him this weekend when you go and spend time with-"

"Do you not trust me?" Dom cut her off, leaving Liv confused and making her frown a little.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't even want to leave me alone for a second. Do you think I'll take cocaine again, huh?"

He tone of his voice was scarily harsh, like he was almost talking with disgust. It made Liv's breathing hitch and shake her head immediately.

"N- No. No of course I trust you! I just-"

"No you don't. You very obviously don't," he spat.

Both of them had tears shining in her eyes now. Dom didn't even let her explain though. He just huffed and grabbed his packpack aggressively before he mumbled, "let's go mom."

He opened the door even though Sam was standing in front of it, causing it to bump against her making her jump. She didn't say much though and only shot Liv an apologetic smile before following Dom out of the house.

"Have fun eating dinner with your dad!" Dom yelled at Liv. He sounded anything but nice, more sarcastic.

A second later the door closed behind them, leaving Liv all alone in Dom's house.


Liv had planned to go home, she really had. She didn't want to make Dom more upset and she wanted to show him that she did trust him. She just couldn't be without him.

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