chapter 26

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She had a boyfriend now.

And not just a boyfriend; her boyfriend was Dominic Harrison, the boy she had told everyone she hated so much. She had been convincing everyone, including herself, that she hated him for two years. And now he was holding her hand, stroking his thumb up and down while they were walking back home from their night at the empty swimming pool.

After Dom had asked her to be his girlfriend, Liv had fallen silent for a few seconds. Maybe even half a minute; she didn't really know. But Dom had given her all the time she needed and when she locked eyes and saw the green color that made her stomach turn, she had nodded and told him yes.

Dom had pulled her off the edge just to hug her and press kisses in her neck. The hickeys in her neck had just faded, but she was positive there were fresh ones now. She hadn't had time to check it though, as they left the swimming pool shortly after.

"You've been very quiet ever since we left the swimming pool," Dom commented. He had a point; Dom had just been telling short stories to fill the silence, but if he hadn't it would have just been completely silent between them both.

"I have?" Liv asked, just because she didn't want to admit he was right. She didn't really know why; it was just that her head was exploding right now.

"Yes you have," Dom said. His thumb stopped moving but he didn't let her hand go. She actually hoped he wouldn't until they arrived home. It felt warm and safe like this.

"If something is bothering you, you can tell me, okay? I'm your boyfriend, I'm here to help you."

"I think that's exactly what's bothering me," Liv told him. When Dom stopped walking and let go of her hand, she instantly knew she should have formulated that sentence way different than this.

"It's bothering you that I'm your boyfriend."

Dom frowned deeply and his face was so close to hers it intimidated her. She wasn't sure if he moved so close so he could see her through the dark or he was just trying to intimidate her to make sure she would be honest, but either way it scared her.

"Not like that," Liv said. "It's just that it's... weird."

"You don't want it."

"I do, Dom," Liv said seriously. "It's just-"

"Are you sure, though?" Dom cut her off, wrapping his arms over his chest. "Because you said you think you like me but it feels 'unnatural' and it took you a minute to answer me when I asked you and now you don't say a single word to me."

Liv wasn't sure what to say to him, even though she wanted to defend herself because she wanted him to know it wasn't like that. But if it wasn't like that, why didn't she have anything to say back?

"You don't fucking want it," Dom concluded for himself when she stayed silent for a little too long, causing him to lose his patience.

"I do."

"Then why are you acting like this, huh?! Why aren't you talking to me and why aren't you answering me when I ask you to explain your feelings?!"

Again, Liv didn't answer him, which basically proved his point.

"We don't have to keep acting like we hate each other, you know that?" Dom's voice was raising more and more with every word he said and even though Liv knew he would never physically hurt her, especially now, she still took a step back from him. Not a big one, just big enough for his face to disappear in the dark so she wouldn't see his shiny, intimidating eyes anymore.

"I figured I really fucking like you," Dom continued. "Is that what you wanna hear? Or does it fuck your head up even more? Times can change, Liv, and we don't have to play the oh-I-should-hate-you-but-I-like-kissing-you-role forever. We can also just fucking admit that we like each other and forget the past."

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now