chapter 74

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Liv did hear Dom call her, but she didn't respond to it. She was way too busy playing with the cat his mom's friend had brought to their house as she came to visit for a day. Sam and her friend were gone now though, and they asked Dom and Liv to look after the cat, Luna, which Liv loved.

"Liv!" Dom called her again, walking into the living room where Liv was sitting on the floor with the cat toy in her hand, bouncing it up and down to make Luna try to catch it.

Liv looked up at him shortly and smiled, before she focused on Luna again. Dom smiled down at her too and then walked over to stand behind her, placing his feet next to her hips so he was basically hovering over her.

"Are you having fun with the cat?" he asked softly, playing with her hair. Liv nodded and smiled at the way she heard him smile as he talked.

"I'm going to the store quickly. You think you can handle her on your own for a moment?" he asked.

Liv nodded and hummed. "Gotta practice for when we get one."

She knew Dom didn't really like cats; he was way more of a dog person. But it was funny, because she knew he couldn't argue with her over it either especially after he had promised her to give her everything she wanted, just a few weeks ago.

"I thought we were getting two dogs?" he asked, still playing with her hair.

"That too," she nodded, "and a cat."

Dom sighed, more of a sigh that faded into a soft laugh and he bent down to kiss her cheek.

"Sure honey. You want anything from the store?"

Liv stopped moving the toy for a second to think, which immediately made Luna jump in the air for more. She giggled and moved the toy again so the cat wouldn't attack her because even after knowing Luna for just a day, she knew she actually would.

"I don't think s-"

Liv trailed off when she realized something, and she immediately stopped playing with Luna again, this time unconsciously.

"What's it? Did you think of something?" Dom asked, gasping when he thought of something himself. "Oh my god I could buy those chocolate milkshakes again that we can make ourselves so we-"

"No," Liv cut him off, dropping the toy leaving the cat all confused. By the way Dom stopped stroking her hair, she knew he was confused as well. "I just realized my period is a week late."

It was more quiet than ever in the room, and Dom obviously didn't know how to act so he wanted to just stroke her hair again to keep her calm and try to think of an answer. But before he could even do that, Liv moved away from him and stood up.

"A week isn't that-"

"It's never late, Dom!" Liv interrupted him again, her voice loud although he was talking to her in his most gentle and soft voice. Dom looked at her with wide eyes, bringing his hands together to play with his fingers nervously.

"It is never fucking late! Something is wrong!"

"Liv," Dom breathed out, holding his hands out now to try to grab Liv's. She pulled them away though, making him sigh.

"It's gonna be okay, yeah? I'll get you pregnancy tests at the sto-"

"It's your fault!" Liv suddenly yelled, not even letting him finish. "You should have just pulled out!"

Although Dom was rather confused and shocked than mad at first, he quickly frowned and asked, "you mean when you were on top? When you had me tied up?"

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