••dursley•• || harry's temper

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"Kiwi, do you think dreams mean anything?" Harry asked. They were sat in the grass, Harry picking at grass absent-mindedly while Kendra picked at the tiny yellow flowers that dotted the grass. Dudley was chasing kids around the playground, running as fast as his stubby little five-year-old's legs would take him. Petunia was watching him, looking more at peace than she had in years. Not that Kendra noticed. She was five, and she was having fun with her cousin.

"I dunno, Hawee," Kendra said, struggling over her 'r' sound still. "Mommy says it's just the bwain's way of es... escooping."

"Maybe it's the future!" Harry said excitedly, pieces of grass raining from his hands as he flung them up. Kendra swatted them away as they fluttered down towards her.

"Hawee!" she scolded, giggling. "If they come twue, then thewe awe gonna be pwincesess widing unicowns on wainbows!" She giggled again and placed her picked flowers all on Harry's legs.

"Is that what you dream about, Kiwi?" Harry asked. Kendra nodded, but her focus was drawn away from him and towards the woman, dressed strangely in emerald green, who had appeared out of no where.

"Hello, Kendra," the woman spoke, her voice echoing strangely. She smiled kindly at Kendra, the sun reflecting off of her dark skin at such an angle that made it glisten. The scene around them slipped away until Kendra was no longer five, but fifteen, and they were standing in an empty void. "Look at you, even as a child, fascinated by your dreams."

Kendra glanced around, startled. "Who are you? How did you... why do I keep seeing you? Do I know you?" Her voice sounded like she was speaking through a tank of water, a complete opposite of the woman in front of her.

"Oh you've heard of me," the woman laughed, smiling mischievously at Kendra. "You fascinate me, Kendra Dursley. It has been thousands of years since I met a mortal who was quite so amusing."

And Kendra was awake, her eyes opening to a blast of red and gold. She started and found a hand on her shoulder, which eased her panic significantly.

"Kendra?" Hermione asked, her face coming into Kendra's frame of vision. She started to put the pieces together.

"What... did I fall asleep?" Kendra asked, her voice groggy.  She had remembered that they were studying. She blinked a few times and noticed that Ron and Harry were also there, and that Harry looked proper chuffed about something.

"Duh," Ron said, rolling his eyes. "Hermione, can you please help me with my astronomy essay?" Hermione rolled her eyes, still looking at Kendra.

"Not right now, Ron," Hermione snapped, though it was with a certain fondness. She immediately turned her attention back to Kendra. She put her hand on the blonde's forehead, checking for fever. "Are you alright? You feel a bit warm."

Kendra felt herself flush with the girl's hand on her forehead. "Erm... yeah, I'm alright, I just didn't get enough sleep last night, I suppose." Kendra cursed herself- she sounded like Harry, not the suave, charming enchantress that she always wished she was when talking to Hermione. "I'm sorry for falling asleep during our studying time, Hermione."

"Oh it's alright," Hermione said, her cheeks going pink as she removed her hand from Kendra's forehead and moved to pick up her dropped parchment and stack of books. "If you're not sleeping enough, I oughtn't keep you up any longer."

Kendra checked her watch and frowned slightly. "It's past curfew," she sighed.

"Oh, well, do you... I was helping the boys with their astronomy homework while you were asleep, you could help? If you'd like, of course, you don't have to. You can go back to your common room if you want, I'm sure Harry can lend you his cloak-"

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