••dursley•• || christmas on the closed ward

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Kendra was sad to part ways with Hermione at the train station, though she was pleasantly surprised to see Remus Lupin waiting on the platform for her, ignoring all of the looks from parents and students alike that he was getting (though the looks from students were very different than the looks from parents).

"Hello, Remus," Kendra said politely. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Hello Kendra," Remus said, smiling warmly. "Everyone else has gone on to St. Mungos to visit Mr. Weasley. Sirius and I figured you wouldn't really mind if you didn't have to go to a hospital."

"Thank you," Kendra sighed. She despised hospitals. She had spent plenty of time in them as a patient, though she had admittedly never been to a wizarding one before, and she was not exactly eager to step foot in one as a visitor. "Are we apparating?"

"Yes," Remus said apologetically. He offered Kendra his right arm, which she took before taking a deep breath and squeezing her eyes shut. Kendra felt as though she were a piece of play dough being squeezed through a tiny hole to make fake spaghetti, like she had done when she was a child.

When they landed on the doorstep of Number 12, Kendra hand to grasp at the doorframe as she tried desperately to hold onto her sick. "Holy shit," Kendra breathed out as she collected herself. Remus smiled apologetically at her.

"Was that your first time apparating?" He asked. Kendra scoffed slightly.

"Yes," she answered. "I made it pretty obvious, huh?"

"My apologies," Remus said, moving to open the door, "I should have given you more warning."

They were silent as they entered the house, neither of them wanting to disturb Mrs. Black more than their mere presence would. Sirius was waiting for them in the sitting room, where he gave a big grin and hugged Kendra.

"There's my favorite Dursley!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her, careful not to squeeze hard enough to bruise her.

"Hey, Sirius," Kendra was practically beaming into the hug. He pulled back and inspected her for any obvious signs of harm. When there were none, he grinned and sat back down.

"I'm meeting the other's at St. Mungo's," Remus apologized when Sirius offered him a seat. "I'll be back for dinner though, don't miss me too much."

"Aw, you know I will," Sirius teased, though waved goodbye to Remus anyway. Remus shook his head pleasantly and left. "So, tell me everything."

Kendra laughed. Sirius was just as eager of a gossip as Lisa was. She took a seat next to him easily. "Where do you want me to start?"

"Oh, I don't know, the beginning?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "Come on, kiddo, you and Harry write me but it's not the same, and I know you have t leave stuff out of the letters in case they're being watched. Besides, Harry is a terrible storyteller."

"What, do you want me to start at my conception?" Kendra teased. Sirius made a face. "I'm teasing, I'm teasing!"

"You better be," Sirius said darkly.  "I don't want to hear about Vernon Dursley getting it on with Petunia."

"Me neither," Kendra giggled. "Well, Umbridge is terrible, but you knew that already."

"Yeah," Sirius sighed. "She was the one who passed some Anti-Werewolf legislation a few years ago that makes it pretty impossible for Remus to get a job now."

"That bitch!" Kendra explained, before clapping her hands over her mouth. "Sorry."

Sirius laughed. "Swear all you want, kiddo, Molly's the one you really don't want to let it out around. But keep going! Umbridge is a bitch, what else is new? Got a boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

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