••dursley•• || krum

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She stared dumbfounded at him, though all of her surprise was in regards to her response to him. He stared back at her for a moment.

"Her friend?" he asked. Kendra cleared her throat and blinked twice before she answered.

"Erm, yes. She's my friend," Kendra replied. She paused again. "Sit."

Krum sat hesitantly, holding his hand out. "Viktor Krum."

"Kendra Dursley. The girl I was with is Hermione Granger, by the way," Kendra replied, shaking his hand and smiling a tiny smile. Was she really letting an international quidditch star try and woo the girl of her dreams? She took a deep breath in. "What do you want to know about her?"

He muttered something in Bulgarian and sighed. "Vat does she like?"

"She likes reading. Books and things, thinking. She isn't much into quidditch, but she always supports Harry when he plays. She's never missed a game, not really," Kendra said, thinking back to when Hermione had been petrified and the quidditch game had been canceled.

"Harry Potter?" Krum asked, an eyebrow raised.

"He's my cousin," Kendra explained. The look on Krum's face begged more answers. "She's never looked at him like that. He's like her brother." Krum sat back, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, Kendra," Krum said. The way he pronounced her name, rolling the r in it slightly, made her shift slightly in her seat, unsure of what he was trying to convey through his words. "It is good that she doesn't like quidditch, there is a whole fan club for that, now." He gestured to the corner of the library, where a gaggle of students were glaring at Kendra, jealous that she was the one Krum had turned his attention too.

"Her favorite colour is blue, by the way, like the sky in the summer right before the sun sets," Kendra said. "And we'll be back here tomorrow evening, if you want to talk to her."

Krum looked at her surprised. He hadn't been expecting that much information. Kendra hadn't expected to give it to him. She was surrendering her chance with Hermione to him.

"You are very helpful, Kendra," Krum said, looking at her greatfully. He held his hand out again. "Friends?"

Kendra, equally as slow, reached out and shook hands with him, feeling like she was shaking hands with the enemy. "Friends," she parroted back to him, the word feeling foreign in her mouth. She glanced back at his fan club warily. She could almost see their talons, ready to attack. "Do they follow you everywhere?"

He laughed shortly, a soft noise, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yes," he said. "I cannot talk to my own Headmaster vithout them trailing behind."

"Don't they have class?" Kendra asked, wrinkling her nose at the group. They glared straight back at her. Krum shrugged.

"I vill see you tomorrow?" he asked, very clearly done with the conversation. Kendra nodded at him and he gave her a short nod and left quickly. His fanclub followed him out the door. Kendra still sat at the table, the one Lily Evans had carved her name into, her favorite spot in the library.

On one hand, she felt slightly vilified, by no one's doing but her own. She had sat and fed Krum answers about Hermione while talking down her own chances of success in her head. Not only was she just giving up the girl she had been crushing on without even trying to fight for her, she felt like she was betraying Lisa, who was undeniably her best friend. And sure, maybe it was just a celebrity crush and she didn't really want it to go anywhere, but Kendra had a duty as Lisa's best friend to try her damndest to make Lisa happy. And if that meant Viktor Krum, it meant Viktor Krum.

On the other hand, a snarky part of her mind insisted that really, she hadn't done anything wrong at all. She wasn't forcing Hermione and Krum together. She hadn't pushed Krum towards Hermione at all, really. And he was already clearly interested in her, though maybe he was just looking for a tutor. Yes, she thought to herself, it would all sort itself out. She would have a connection to Viktor Krum that she could use to get Lisa a conversation or something in, and all Krum was looking for was a smart girl to do his homework.

Satisfied with her mangled version of the truth, Kendra slowly stood, gathering her pieces of parchment one by one, putting her books in her bag. As an accommodation (one of the few she was actually offered at Hogwarts, really), her bag had been charmed to be weightless, a feature she was very glad for as she made her way back to the Ravenclaw common room one step at a time, ready to set her books down and go to dinner. She would tell Lisa she had spoken with Viktor Krum, and maybe, just maybe, she would work up enough courage to tell a second person about her illness. Then tomorrow, she would go ask Professor Flitwick about the charm that kept fire a pleasant tickling sensation. All would be well. Harry would be safe. Yes, she told herself as she set her book bag down, wishing she could crawl into the bed that was just in front of her.

All would be well.

a/n: sorry this chapter took me so long. my life got hectic fast- i'm starting a new job, taking classes over the summer, blah blah blah, not important. i'll update soon, pwomise 🥺.

word count: 937

edited: 11/2

reality... disappoints me

 disappoints me

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