••dursley•• || the feast

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The train arrived at Hogsmeade station a few hours later without any complications. Lisa had taken her cat back from a reluctant Mabel, who had been desperate for a cat ever since she had met Lisa. Despite the pouring rain, Kendra and her friends made their way into a carriage containing Emilia Thimbleton, a fourth year Slytherin who offered the group a smile as they sat down. Despite being a Slytherin, Emilia was friends with nearly every student in the school, but lacked a close group of friends.

"How was your summer, Emilia?" Kendra asked. Emilia shrugged.

"More of the same. My mum keeps trying to convince me to transfer to Beauxbatons, but I'm not having any of it. Besides, do you know how hard it is to transfer? It's bloody outrageous," Emelia shook her head in disbelief.

"I read a book in the library–" Kendra began excitedly.

"Kendra, I didn't know you went to the library to read!" Lisa teased. Kendra flushed. It was true that the library was one of the few places where she could observe Granger without looking creepy or having to talk to her cousin– not that she didn't love Harry, but he was an awful wingman as it already was, and he didn't have the foggiest that she was lesbian. Although, Kendra could likely tell Harry straight to his face that she was gay and he still wouldn't have a clue.

"Anyways," Kendra replied in a cool hiss, her eyes narrowing at Lisa. "I read a book about a wizard who tried to transfer to every school in the world, just to see what they were all like. The first three chapters were all him moaning about how bloody awful it was."

"Language," Mabel squeaked covering the cat's ears. "Euphenia's sensitive."

"Mabel, I curse like a bloody sailor, that cat has heard it all," Lisa snorted.

"Lisa has taught me some very interesting ones," Kendra said, the corners of her mouth jerking up ever so slightly. "My favorite is when she tries to brush her hair and then she drops the brush on her–"

"Oi!" Lisa replied, playfully hitting Kendra on the arm.

"Oh now I'll never know what on Earth Lisa drops her brush on," Emilia teased.

"You don't want to know," Lisa said somberly.

The group made it into the Great Hall, mostly dry due to Lisa's clever idea to use Impervious on their robes. It was sadly that they bade goodbyes to the Sangreys (though it wasn't really a goodbye as the two tables were next to each other and they were only deprecated by a small walkway) and their group was reduced to three. Luna, Lisa, and Kendra all began to chat before the first years arrived.

"There's Granger," Lisa said, a giggle slipping from her lips. Kendra's eyes fell on Hermione instantly and a smile fell on her lips.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Kendra asked Lisa.

"Not nearly enough," Lisa said. Kendra turned her gaze away from Granger and back to her friends. "So what's the plan?"

"What plan?" Kendra asked, blankly.

"Kendra, please, you're not as dull as your cousin, use your brain," Lisa sighed bluntly. That was Lisa– she was never one to think something and keep it to herself, no matter how rude she came across as. Kendra rolled her eyes. "The plan to get you and Granger together."

"I think you should fill out random answers on your summer homework," Luna recommended. "Try not to think while doing it."

"I'll have to do it all over again," Kendra sighed, but her gaze fell on Granger once more, telling her cousin off for something, her heart pounding as she watched for a moment.

"As if you care," Lisa snorted, her eyes tracing Kendra's eyes back to Granger. "I'll help you come up with stupid answers when we get to the dorm."

Kendra pursed her lips, her resemblance to her mother striking at that moment, but gave in. "Alright," she said. "But what do I do when the teachers throw a fit because the second-best student in the year has stupid answers?"

"I'll be honest-" Lisa began.

"When are you not?" Kendra shot back.

"- I hadn't though that far ahead," Lisa continued, rolling her eyes at Kendra. "But I have come up with a code name for the group."

Kendra raised her eyes at Lisa. "And?" she asked.

"The Spider Parliament," Lisa smiled proudly at what she had just created. Kendra shut her eyes as if she were in pain.

"Dear God," she sighed, rubbing her temples. "It's me, Kendra. Why the bloody hell did you make Lisa like this? Thank you."

"Honey, not even God can create a masterpiece like me," Lisa giggled. Luna, not being a muggleborn, smiled politely and watched the pair bicker.

"You're bloody indignant," Kendra rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what that word means, you prat!" Lisa retorted, full out laughing now.

Across the room, Hermione Granger was watching Kendra Dursley with intrigue. She had hardly ever seen the girl laugh, and she looked thinner than ever. She felt tempted to ask Harry if she was okay, but refrained, knowing that it was hardly her place. She and Kandra weren't friends. They were simply participants in the same competition, but outside of that, Hermione knew nothing about Kendra. And she certainly had a lot of questions to ask. Making her mind up right there, Hermione decided that she was going to get to know Kendra this year.

word count: 929

edited: 10/30 not that this chapter's any better tho

but the meme doe

but the meme doe

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