••dursley•• || foreshadowing

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Kendra was lonely. And that was odd, considering that she was in a house that was always full of people, most of them in bright spirits after hearing that Mr. Weasley would be released soon (though Kendra suspected that Sirius was just happy to have company other than Kreacher for the holidays). But there was only one person that Kendra wanted to see again, and it had been a sickeningly long 24 hours without Hermione Granger.

So when Kendra scurried down the stairs, clutching the rails as hard as she could to keep her balance and not fall, at the word that Hermione had just arrived, it was with more excitement than she had in her whole, incredibly lengthy stay of 24 hours at Number 12 Grimmuald Place. She was practically bouncing as she very impatiently waited for Hermione to wipe the snow off her boots on the front mat before flinging her arms around the brunette.

"I missed you," Kendra sighed into the hug. Hermione laughed.

"Was it a long day?" Hermione asked teasingly. Kendra rolled her eyes as she pulled away.

"Harry," she said simply, since that was all she needed to say. Hermione shook her head.

"D'you want me to talk to him?" Hermione asked. Kendra nodded. Hermione was now hoisting her trunk along with her to take it up the stairs. They passed by the sitting room, where Remus and Sirius were sitting together, drinking tea. Sirius grinned wolfishly as soon as he saw Kendra and Hermione's interlocked fingers. Kendra glared at him and he very innocently took a sip of his tea. Remus nudged him and whispered something in his ear, and Kendra could still hear the sound of his laughter even though they had passed by the open door.

"I spoke to him already," Kendra said, clearing her throat to try and get the conversation back on track. "He obviously didn't listen to me since he's still being a prat but he doesn't listen to me in general when he's all saving-the-world-y."

Hermione chuckled breathily as she quickly knocked on the door to their room and opened it after Ginny spoke from inside. "Oh, it's you two," she said with a slight smirk. "Need me to clear the room?"

"Thanks for the offer," Kendra said, rolling her eyes, though there was a small part of her that very much would have liked to be in an empty bedroom alone with her girlfriend. "But we're on our way to bother Harry."

"That bloody prude," Ginny grumbled. "Honestly, it's as if he's forgotten that he knows someone who's been possessed."

"Oh, I'm certain he has," Hermione spoke up from her bed, where she was setting her trunk down. "He'll probably be all offended that we knew he forgot as well."

"Want to join us?" Kendra asked, knowing that Ginny loved bothering Harry above all else, though she had long since got over her childhood crush on him, as Hermione had told Kendra. Ginny grinned.

"Oh, you know it," Ginny said, standing. "I wanna see the look on his face when he realizes what a dumbarse he's been."

"It never gets old," Kendra sighed pleasantly, once again taking Hermione's hand. Ginny was one of their few trusted confidants who knew about Hermione and Kendra's relationship, seeing as Ginny was Hermione's best friend other than Harry and Ron (who under no circumstances would be allowed to know for the next 68 years — in Kendra's opinion). Their fingers came unlaced as they spotted Ron, who was playing Wizard's Chess.

"Hermione?" He asked curiously. "I thought you were with you parents whaterving— skooting or whatever you called it."

"Skiing, Ronald, and we had to cut the trip short. Terrible avalanche," Hermione said, though she was smiling slightly. She was an awful liar, Kendra thought to herself and she smiled back her laughter. "Have you seen Harry? We're going to try and talk some sense into him."

"He's with Buckbeak," Ron shrugged. "Didn't want to talk at all last night, and he 'slept' through lunch. Mum saved him a sandwich though."

"What an idiot," Hermione sighed.

"Reason number 7575 why no one ever asks if Harry's in Ravenclaw," Kendra said, a slightly sly smile creeping onto her face.

They went up another flight of stairs to Buckbeak's room, what had once been Sirius' father's room. They could practically smell the angst from underneath the door (or was it the dead polecats they fed to Buckbeak?) Kendra lingered out of sight against the wall while Hermione talked to Harry. She had already pestered Harry enough in the past 48 hours and she most certainly didn't want him thinking that Hermione had been sent by her.

As much as she would have liked to pay full attention to the conversation, she wasn't involved in it and therefore, she missed most of it as her mind wandered, thinking instead about a much happier topic: her health. She was much better than she had been last time she was in Number 12 Grimmauld Place, sturdy on her feet, or at the very least, as sturdy as Kendra ever would be, and her scar tissue hardly ever bothered her. But she wasn't the same as she was before the heart attack, and it had most certainly put into perspective her pale mortality, that seemed to be slipping through her fingers despite her only being fifteen. She felt tired all the time, things ached and creaked like she was already an old woman, she was constantly ravaged by migraines, and her eyesight had started to dwindle again, though it wasn't perfect, even after she had gotten her vision back. Her hearing was also fading, which terrified her slightly. The thought that one day, she wouldn't be able to hear Hermione's voice was something that kept her up at night frequently.

'Child, do not think of such things,' Morgana's voice echoed through the back of her mind. It was an odd feeling, as though someone was tickling the back of her neck with an ice cold feather. 'I know pieces of your future, and not being able to hear the voice of Hermione Granger is not a problem you should worry about. There is something nearer and more worrisome.'

'If you were trying to comfort me, you did a bad job,' Kendra grumbled back, her eyes watching but not registering as Ginny walked into the room with Hermione and sat down on the bed inside.

'My apologies, darling, but you needn't worry about your future, near or distant. I have a plan for what has been seen to come.'

'Can't you just tell me what's going to happen?' Kendra mentally complained. 'I'm tired of being baited.'

'Foresight is a burden, particularly when it is into your own future. Let me handle it, and when the time comes, then you will be well informed,' Morgana's tone was pleasant as it rang through Kendra's head. She bit back a sigh.

She hated foreshadowing, and she hated it more when it came from the voice inside her head.

a/n: who's the author who updates occasionally and gives you nothing each time (who?) it's me! anyways these Christmas break chapters aren't very planned out (lol could u tell?) but as soon as they get back to school, we'll get on with the plot. I have something very big planned for Kendra— and Danger as a result.

also wolf 🐺 that's all I'm gonna say if you smell it you smell it


we love the foreshadowing

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we love the foreshadowing

also sorry that I once again did not publish this when I meant to lol I had debilitating cramps today 🤪 couldn't move and so I just slept all day instead

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