••dursley•• || pansy parkinson

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Pansy Parkinson pulled away and Astoria Greengrass emerged, lips swollen and cheeks flushed. Kendra blinked twice, unsure if she had been seen and she could just slip away and find wherever Lisa had gone or if she would have to face the two Slytherins.

Just as she started to move Pansy turned around and frowned deeply, which looked rather unusual compared to her typical sneer. "Don't take another step, Dursley," she threatened, though it sounded less enthusiastic than her usual threats. "Tori, go find Bulstrode, she's in Honeydukes." The younger Slytherin smiled at the two girls in the alley and strode off back into Hogsmeade, her hands fixing her hair as she moved.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what you want to threaten me about," Kendra pointed out. "Unlike some other people, I don't need to lord people's sexualities over their heads to get what I want."

Pansy visibly relaxed. "Do you swear?" she asked, her voice quiet.

"I swear, on Merlin, on the life of my mother, on whatever," Kendra shrugged. "Honestly, Parkinson, I'm just looking for my friend. I don't care that you were snogging someone."

Pansy paused for a second. "Merlin, of all people..." she muttered to herself. "Can I ask you a question?"

Kendra was surprised by the lack of hostility, but she nodded slowly nonetheless. "Sure."

"How are you so... proud of who you are?" Pansy asked slowly. Kendra blinked in surprise.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean, pretty much everyone knew you and Granger were dating," Pansy said shrugging. "Like, I think most of the school caught you snogging in the library at one point."

Kendra flushed bright red, unaware that so many people had known about her and Hermione's relationship. "Oh," she said. "I guess I just loved her enough that I didn't care what everyone thought." The use of past tense made Kendra's throat get tight with emotion.

Maybe Lisa was right. Maybe dwelling on Hermione was a bad thing.

And then the thought was gone as soon as it had come. Pansy was silent, thinking to herself for a moment. "I never thought I'd be saying this but.... thanks, Dursley."

"You're welcome," Kendra replied, still frazzled from the experience.

"Is there anyway I can repay you?" Pansy asked, her mindset visibly shifting. Kendra shook her head- it was out of common curtsey that she had helped Pansy, not so she could get something out of the Slytherin. Pansy smirked and leaned closer. "You know, Slytherins don't like to be indebted to people."

Pansy's hand moved up to cup Kendra's cheek. Kendra froze, her chest tight from her pounding heartbeat, confusion settling into her bones. Did she want Pansy to stop? Did she want to close her eyes and pretend that it was Hermione? Her mind flashed back to her earlier thought. It wouldn't hurt to try and move on... would it? "Parkinson..." she whispered, her eyes staring directly into Pansy's.

"Say it, Dursley," Pansy whispered, her hot breath fanning across Kendra's face, the smell of vanilla perfume hitting her like a truck. Kendra's mind moved at a thousand miles a minute, her breaths short and trembling whether it was from the anxiety of the choice to make, or in anticipation of what was happening.

It was just a kiss, Kendra told herself. Right?

'I'm not going to tell you what to do,' Morgana replied from inside Kendra's mind, eagerly watching to see what was going to happen.

A surge of confidence overwhelmed Kendra. It wasn't like she was in a relationship. People had been telling her for weeks that she had to start living for herself instead of someone else. And Kendra decided that it was just a kiss, and that a kiss, particularly this kiss, didn't have mean anything. She should be allowed to make stupid reckless decisions. And so that was exactly what she was going to do.

"Okay," Kendra whispered back after only a brief pause. So Pansy leaned in, hand still cupping Kendra's face, and brought their lips together. And Kendra didn't regret it.

She just wished it was someone else.

"You kiss pretty good," Pansy said as they pulled apart, her lips pulled into her usual smirk. "For a mudblood, that is."

Kendra didn't react. Pansy was gone too soon, and a million thoughts were racing through her brain. How she had wished it had been Hermione instead, how she missed the way she could tangle her hands in Hermione's hair, the way she could get lost in her girlfriend's brown eyes for hours and hours at a time. She missed Hermione.

"Kendra?" Lisa's voice snapped Kendra out of her reprieve. "Are you okay?"

She hadn't realized she had been crying. "Yeah, just thinking. Let's go," Kendra shook herself, the whole event confusing her even more than before. She set off with Lisa, still lost in her thoughts.

Curiosity hadn't killed the cat, but Kendra's inattention might have. Because the Ravenclaw didn't see how Pansy kept glancing behind Kendra, to where the alley let back onto the main street. She didn't hear the chatter of students passing by. She hadn't noticed the voice of Ron Weasley complaining about his hunger pains. She hadn't noticed that he had been whacked on the arm immediately after. She hadn't noticed Pansy locking eyes with the passerby as she pulled away.

She didn't notice Hermione Granger embed the zipper of her jacket into her palm when she clutched it in anger. She didn't hear Ron call to Hermione to wait up after she started to stalk away. She didn't hear the sound of Hermione's heart breaking, she didn't notice that Hermione thought she deserved it. 

But somehow, as a wave of guilt overcame her, Kendra knew.

a/n: two updates in a day i know im some kind of god (warning: do not feed my god complex).pls don't bully me it's for the greater good, the good of the danger reunion. sometimes, you have to hit rock bottom before you can rise above if you know what i mean ;)

ok here's a meme

because this is how it happened and you can't change my mind <3

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because this is how it happened and you can't change my mind <3

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