••dursley•• || the hog's head

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Kendra Dursley was going to Hogsmeade with Hermione Granger. Just because her cousin and his best friend were tagging along and neither of them knew about the relationship between the two girls explicitly didn't mean Kendra wasn't going to pretend as though she hadn't just been asked out on a date by her girlfriend. And maybe it was more than just her cousin and his best friend, maybe it was 30 people from every house. It was still a date. At least she could tell herself that while she was still getting ready.

"Oh, God, Lisa, what do I wear?!" Kendra panicked, her trunk open and it's contents spread out across her bed. Lisa observed, giving her opinions whether she was asked for them or not, all while doing her hair in the mirror.

"Wear that cream turtleneck," Lisa instructed, pointing to the garment that was half hidden under a pair of jeans. "And that coat you stole from me, you look adorable in it."

Kendra had always admired Lisa for her ability to balance stereotypes. Her mum's family was French, and made sure that anyone and everyone knew it. Her dad was from Ireland, but his great-great-grandparents had immigrated there- from where, Lisa had never said. And then she was raised in Kent. And somehow, she managed to be French, Irish, and from the South all at once. She was a quidditch player on the Ravenclaw team (and had already dragged Kendra to all of the games this year) but she was the most fashionably competent, "girly-girl" that Kendra knew. Her labels had never defined her, and though she had never sat prim and proper in one of her many boxes, she managed to keep a toe in all of them without making anyone question it.

"Alright, how do I look?" Kendra asked, showing off her final outfit. Lisa examined her.

"Fantastic, Granger will be undressing you with her eyes the whole time, now let's go or we'll be late," Lisa said, hopping up and already on her way to knock on Luna's door and collect the fourth year. Kendra flushed but followed her friend anyway. Luna appeared, latching her bottlecap necklace just as she opened the door. She beamed in their presence and skipped down the stairs.

"Isn't this so very exciting?" Luna posed as the three made their way to the Entrance Hall, where the Hogsmede attendees were gathering. Kendra was lucky enough that she had gotten her mother to sign her permission slip when she had gotten after Harry had blown up her aunt and run away (without her, which at the time, Kendra had been very cross about, she had to put up with her Aunt Marge for a whole week). Kendra usually missed Hogsmede trips, as they rather tired her and the magic had been lost on her after her first visit, but she wouldn't miss this one for the world.

"I feel a bit cheeky," Lisa said as they walked past Filch, who eyed them with great unease.

"You are cheeky," Kendra rolled her eyes. "You've been to this bar before, Lisa, don't pretend you're breaking the rules."

"Where's Damon and Mabel?" Lisa asked, changing the subject, scanning the jumble of students. Kendra searched as well, but her eyesight failed her. She supposed she probably needed glasses (in fact, she definitely did, she had been blind in one eye only a few years earlier), but was far too stubborn to tell anyone about her vision problems.

"There!" Luna pointed, her head turning, her cork-earrings swinging as she did so. "Damon is speaking to Matthew."

"Eugh," Kendra said, her lip curling in disgust. She did not like Matt and put up with him the few times that they did have to interact for Damon's sake because she knew that Matt made him happy, and Kendra would do what she could to keep Damon happy.

"I don't like him either," Lisa said, her tone very firm. "Especially not after he kissed you and then ran off and told Damon that they were meant to be together."

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