••dursley•• || not alone

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"Are you sure you're alright, Kendra?" Damon asked, scanning her over completely. She shrugged, not really wanting to give a real answer, but not wanting to string her friends out. The past fifteen minutes had been spent comforting her, and as much as she appreciated the love and support, she wanted the attention off of her for a moment.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" she asked softly. "Lisa, how are things with Travis?"

Lisa scoffed and rolled her eyes. "We broke up at the start of the year. It was a huge fight, we said some nasty stuff to each other. "And now he's dating that blonde Gryffindor- what's her face, the seventh year."

"Oh Merlin, your love lives are depressing," Mabel said comfortingly. Lisa sighed.

"I was pretty strung up about it at the beginning of the year but now I'm over him, for good," Lisa said, though the confidence behind her words was lacking. "I mean, you know, good for him that he's happy, and healthy, and could move on so fast, right?" Kendra could tell that she did not believe a word of what she had just said.

"Well for your information," Damon began, smirking proudly. "I have actually moved on from my ex." Lisa rolled her eyes but couldn't contain her smile.

"Who's the lucky guy?"Lisa asked. Damon glanced at Kendra.

"I mean, nothing is official of course, but we've been writing back and forth since the start of the summer and I think I'm going to make a move soon," Damon said, his grin only growing.

"For Merlin's sake, Damon, just spit it out," Mabel groaned, desperate to hear what her brother had been up to without her knowledge. "Who were you writing to?"

"Harry Potter," Damon announced proudly. Lisa giggled into her hand and Kendra rolled her eyes. Mabel snickered quietly in the corner.

"That prat," Kendra grumbled. "Nearly two months he doesn't see me and when I asked what had happened while he was gone not a word of you."

"He said he didn't want to bother you," Damon shrugged, still grinning. "Now, Kendra dear, do you remember on the train at the start of our fourth year-"

"When I told you that Harry was straighter than a ruler?" Kendra sighed. "Yes, Damon, I remember, you don't have to rub it in my face." She smiled at her friend.

"Just reminding you," Damon said innocently. Kendra felt herself start to grin.

"You toss pot," she shook her head. "I'm happy for you two, and let me know if he's being stupid and I'll whack him round the head for you, right?"

"You're amazing, Kendra," Damon said.

"What about you, Mabel? Get up to anything fun this summer?" Lisa asked the fifth year. Mabel shrugged.

"A bit, I guess. I was sort of inspired to sort out my sexuality this summer," Mabel admitted. "I guess you could say I did a taste test."

"So that's what you were doing," Damon gasped, eyes widening. "All the details, now."

Mabel rolled her eyes. "Well, I started to go to a muggle fair nearby, just to get out of the house, you know," Mabel said, glancing at her brother meaningfully. Kendra knew that she was talking about her father- while his threat had been empty the year before, she had been worried for the Sangrey siblings ever since Damon had brought her up to speed the year before. "And I met a muggle boy named Jonathan, he was nice, it was nice, just not my cup of tea, really."

"Understandable," Kendra added.

"And then I met this girl, and she was really sweet, and I enjoyed hanging out with her. Until it started to get romantic," Mabel explained. "So I think I'm aromatic. Because I have no problem with the sex part-"

"Mabel!" Damon gasped dramatically. Mabel giggled.

"Don't worry, I know you're sad I lost it before you- we were safe, I promise," she said. Damon stared at her for another moment, before he gestured for her to continue. "Well, anyways, I don't really see the appeal in romance. It's all... mushy, that's the best way to explain it."

"Love is stupid anyways," Lisa sighed, resting her head on Kendra's shoulder. Kendra closed her eyes and hummed in agreement. As deeply wounded as she was, as much as she did not want to speak to Hermione ever again, as much as she wanted to crawl into a hole and never return, as much as she wanted to scream at the world for throwing her bad set after bad set of cards, she still was in love with Hermione. She had given the brunette a piece of her heart. Part of her didn't want to get it back, and that made the empty place where it should have sat in her chest ache all the more.

But Kendra had made up her mind. She was not going to go crawling back to Hermione and beg to be taken back. She was not going to wallow in the hurt, to loathe herself for all the chips off her shoulders and wish she could fill the gaps. It was high time that she accepted that she was a work of art, even with her scars and chips in the marble.

She was going to make Hermione realize just what she was missing, and when she was on her knees, begging for Kendra to take her back, Kendra would consider it. Because it was Kendra's world, starting now, and everyone else was just living in it.

a/n: if this was an anime this would be the start to Kendra's villain arc. anyways 🤫 Harry is a bi king (we all knew that lol) who may or may not have a thing with Damon, Lisa is single once more (i wonder why 😉) and Mabel is aromatic because there should be more representation for our ace icons out there. not going to lie, i am so excited for bad bitch kendra. let me know what you guys think 😚

also i meant to update this on my birthday a few days ago but i was too busy eating cake and then getting a huge migraine lol- it was worth it. but here you go anyways, shouldn't take me quite as long to write the next chapter

it's time.

its so dumb but i can't stop giggling

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its so dumb but i can't stop giggling

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