••dursley•• || stitches and snitches

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Kendra's good mood, sadly did not last past the next week. The next Wednesday came, and dragged on (seemingly longer than school days typically did, if that was even possible) until the meeting in the evening.

Patronuses were back on the menu, so to speak. Those who had already mastered them were helping their peers and the room was full of silvery animals, all galloping, leaping, and running around playfully. Kendra was helping Mabel, who finally coaxed a silvery ferret out of her wand before abruptly bursting into tears at the thought of having a patronus that was the embodiment of Draco Malfoy. Just as she had pulled herself back together, a loud crack in the center of the room turned everyone's attention away from what they were doing.

In the center of the room, wide eye'd with terror, stood Dobby the house-elf, and Kendra immediately knew something was wrong. She had yet to see Dobby in a situation where a less than welcome incident hadn't occurred.

"Dobby?" Harry asked, unsurprisingly confused. "What's wrong?"

"She-" Dobby stuttered, horrified. "She's coming."

"Who?" Harry asked, though the worry had transmitted to him as well now. "Who's coming?"

Dobby pressed his ears down flat against his head and shook his head. Harry's eyes widened. "Umbridge?!" he asked in a panic.

"Yes, Harry Potter!" Dobby nodded violently. The entire room froze in horror, terrified to do anything and terrified to do nothing.

"What are you waiting for?" Harry cried. "Run!"

The room scatted and Kendra panicked as she was separated from both her girlfriend and her housemates. Not that she couldn't find her way back to the common room from the room of requirement, but she was worried that one of them would get seriously caught.

"Dursley?" A voice came from behind Kendra in the alcove where she was hiding. Draco Malfoy, hair gel-less and ruffled slightly, a shining inquisitorial squad badge pinned in a seemingly proud way upon his breast. Kendra blanched as she stared at him.

"Shit." was the only thing that escaped her mouth as she stared at him. She didn't bother to run- that was a lost cause for sure, she'd more than likely only make it a few paces before her hip, knee, or ankle joints popped out of place.

Draco Malfoy stared at her still, not bothering to make a move and grab her. He looked at her as if he wasn't sure what he wanted to do- or perhaps, he did, and he knew he couldn't.

"Go," he finally said. "I owe you one."

Kendra stared at him in amazement before taking the secret passageway that Harry had pointed her in the direction of one night after the meeting. When she had heard that he had joined the inquisitorial squad, she had completely dismissed his earlier apology. Now, she was starting to doubt her initial reaction.

Perhaps there was still more to Draco Malfoy than really met the eyes.

Kendra sank into the chair in her common room with unease, waiting to see her friends return. Lisa and Luna came in a few minutes apart, both heaving from having ran.

"That was fun," Lisa heaved sarcastically.

"Running is liberating," Luna remarked brightly. Lisa laughed.

"I'll stick to flying, thank you very much," Lisa retorted, smiling fondly at Luna, who just shrugged and splayed herself out on the floor, playing with her light blonde hair, spread out in a halo on the floor around her, with her fingers.

"You guys didn't get caught, right?" Kendra asked. They both confirmed that they had escaped both Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad. "And Damon and Mabel? Are they okay?"

"I think so," Lisa said. "Can't be sure but the Hufflepuff common room is easy to get to through that passageway behind that painting. I doubt Umbridge knows about that."

"I hope they're alright," Luna said. "It would be awful if they had to lie."

"Yeah, well Mabel can't lie to save her life and we all know Damon will say anything the guy is cute enough- which, you know, understandable," Lisa summarized.

Kendra bit her tongue for a second, thinking about whether or not she should tell her two present friends about the incident with Draco Malfoy. She decided against it, at least for the moment, and sighed loudly instead.

'Be a little more dramatic will you?' Morgana asked sarcastically. 'Oh, you're going to be so tickled when you find out why he saved you.'

As the words settled into Kendra's mind, she wished she had more than a mental image of Morgana to roll her eyes at.

a/n: guys I am so inconsistent in my updates 😩😩😩 but I got my second Covid shot today (today as in a WEEK AGO WHEN I THOUGHT I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER) so I am 😏🤧💪 and this is my formal coming out to y'all as a lesbian 😶 yeah we been doing some thinking recently

anyways a question for you guys: I've seen a couple of comments talking abt Kendra's parentage, specifically for the other awhether or not she's actually the child of the Dursley's or not and I wanted to know if that's something that you guys would want to see because I keep going back and forth. part of me thinks it's an overused and often poorly done plot device that would probably make my own story way to confusing and part of me is like 🤥 but I set it up perfectly and it would be so fun to dooooo

whatever I do, I'm not going to tell you 😚 either way I have the plot all worked out for half-blood prince because the order of the Phoenix is going to be done in just a few chapters! The Ministry Heist is coming up verrrry shortly, and I hope you guys enjoy it because it'll be the first time KiKi really gets to see the action (spoilers) and Morgana's role to play in the story becomes more than just the sassy voice in Kendra's head (also spoilers)

luv all my babes and now, meme time

luv all my babes and now, meme time

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ok better mem now

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