••dursley•• || santa, baby

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Kendra probably stared at the Weasley shaped hole in the Great Hall's typical occupancy for five minutes before she realized that it was all of the Weasley's that were gone, not just one, and that they had taken her cousin with them. Hermione however, had not been swept up into whatever vengeful black hole decided to steal her cousin and the family that seemed to have taken him in as one of their own, and so Kendra worried but went at sat at the Gryffindor table next to her girlfriend (Merlin, that word would never get old).

"Do you know where they've all gone?" Kendra asked quietly as she sat next to Hermione, who flushed as she noticed Kendra. Hermione nodded.

"McGonagall came and told me early this morning. Harry had a dream, about Mr. Weasley, and it turned out to be true. Mr. Weasley was injured, so Dumbledore sent all of the Weasleys and Harry back to Grimmuald Place. Umbridge is furious that they've all slipped out from under her nose, so they couldn't afford to send you as well," Hermione smiled sympathetically at Kendra, who sighed.

"Well, I'm glad they can tell me all of this information to my face," Kendra replied, her eyes darting towards the staff table. None of the teachers would even look towards the Gryffindor table except for Umbridge, who Kendra avoided eye contact with at all costs. "I suppose it doesn't really matter though, as we'll all be sent home today anyway. Are you still going skiing with your parents?"

"Yes, but I doubt I'll stay very long. I'm rather worried about Harry," Hermione said, sipping on her pumpkin juice.

"That makes two of us," Kendra sighed, staring at the seat Harry typically occupied with loving animosity.

"Besides," Hermione was whispering now, "I'd much rather spend time with my girlfriend."

Kendra flushed bright pink. 'Now isn't that adorable,' Morgana's voice cooed in the back of Kendra's head. Kendra hoped that Morgana could feel the internal glare she was giving the witch.

"Can I tell you something?" Kendra said suddenly as her mind drifted away from the scene in front of her and back to what she had seen in the Room of Requirement. "And will you promise not to tell anyone about it?"

Hermione glanced around. None of her housemates were paying attention to them. She turned back to Kendra. "Is it bad?" she asked slowly.

"It's not bad... well, it is bad, but probably not in a way you would think it's bad," Kendra clarified. Hermione stared at her expectantly. "Well... you know Damon, right?"

Hermione's eyes instant found him at the Hufflepuff table, across from Mabel and all snuggled up with Matt. It made Kendra feel sick to her stomach. "Yes, why?"

"He's with Matt," Kendra said. "Merlin knows why, but that's not the point. The other day, when I went back into the room, after the meeting —" Kendra stared pointedly at Hermione, hoping she would get what Kendra was trying to say — "you know, to fetch your jumper. And... there was mistletoe all on the ceiling."

"Where is this story going?" Hermione asked skeptically, jealousy creeping into her voice.

"No, it's nothing like that. I saw... I saw Matt kissing Cho. After everyone had gone. And it clearly wasn't the first time they'd done it. And really, kissing isn't really the right word— snogging, or tongue punching, canoodling even. Point is, I saw something I most definitely shouldn't have and at first I thought Matt and Damon had stopped whatever romantic thing they were doing and just gone back to being friends but Lisa said they were still together and now I don't know what to do because I don't want Damon to stay with Matt but I don't want to be the one who tells him the bad news, and I —" Kendra's rambling was cut off by Hermione, who was smiling slightly at Kendra.

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