••dursley•• || tough talks

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When Kendra woke up, she saw a few cards strewn at her bedside, she assumed from her friends. Yawning, she found the catch in her side was no longer as painful as it had been. Cautiously, she moved to sit up, and she nearly jumped out of the bed.

Hermione Granger was sitting in Kendra's bedside chair, gnawing on her lip anxiously. "What are you doing here?" Kendra whispered, half furious to see Hermione, half self-fulfilled to see the brown-haired witch so worried over her.

"Harry said you were in the Hospital Wing," Hermione mumbled back, her voice small. "Look, Kendra, I'm sorry."

"Good for you," Kendra replied stoically, settling back into her pillows and crossing her arms. Hermione sighed shakily.

"I know I messed up, I've known it ever since I talked to you," Hermione began. Kendra held up a finger.

"You make a decision for me, Hermione, you decided what way my life should go in what you thought was best for me and you didn't listen to what I had to say about it," Kendra interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Kendra, I really am," Hermione said, looking at Kendra, begging. Kendra but her tongue, conflicted. Part of her wanted Hermione desperately, wanted her life to go back to how it was.

"You know what, even though you made that decision for me, I think you were right," Kendra said coolly. "Maybe we do need some time apart. Because I think you need to do some growing up and thinking before I'm ready to forgive you."


"Get out," Kendra said, finality in her tone. She didn't want to deal with it today, there was too much on her mind after the week she had for her to forgive Hermione and mean it. She didn't want to be trampled, even if it was by someone she loved. "Please," she whispered when Hermione didn't move.

Hurt splayed across her face, the kind of hurt that twisted the knife deeper into Kendra's chest, Hermione stood, glanced back at Kendra once last time, and scurried from the room.

Kendra sighed heavily. She would forgive Hermione eventually. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in six months, maybe in a year. But she wanted Hermione to grow up before she did. She wanted Hermione to be better than the girl who had broken up with Kendra on the train, and Kendra was firm in the idea that a week was not long enough for that change to truly happen.

"Miss Dursley, how do you feel?" Madam Pomfrey asked, emerging from her office and drawing her wand from a pocket

"Fine," Kendra replied. "Can I go to dinner now?"

Madam Pomfrey eyed her suspiciously for a moment, her wand analyzing Kendra. "Alright," Madam Pomfrey allowed. "I don't want to see you in here any time soon, alright?"

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey," Kendra replied. She stood and stretched slightly, her joints feeling rather stiff. Gathering her belongings, she left the hospital wing and almost instantly ran into Theo and Draco Malfoy in the corridor.

"I figured you would be out soon," Theo said, looking her up and down. "How are you?"

"Fine," Kendra said. "Ish."

"That's not a thrilling endorsement of your health," Theo replied, eyes narrowing.

"Can we not stand in the middle of the hallway?" Draco sighed, glancing over his shoulder. Theo shrugged and Draco rolled his eyes, staring off in the same direction

"Are we having that conversation now?" Kendra asked as she followed Draco, Theo quickly catching up to both of them, his lanky frame and long legs moving him forward with ease.

"Fine," Theo sighed. "But not here."

Draco led the way hurriedly, as though he was afraid to be stopped or spotted by anyone. Kendra barely kept up with his bruising pace, though Theo followed with ease, clearly knowledgeable as to where Draco was leading them. Kendra caught on soon enough- Draco was leading them to the room of requirement.

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