••dursley•• || extraction team

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When Kendra summoned him through her crystal necklace, Theodore sounded tired. "Kendra?" he asked confusion in his voice. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kendra waved him off. "You sound like shit, Theo."

"I always sound like shit, what's new," Theo grumbled. He yawned loudly. "Why'd you call?"

"I got out--well, I got in again and then got out. I brought Draco with me, he was back for Easter," Kendra said. "It probably won't be long before they figure out that I've turned you as well."

Theo sighed heavily. "So you're saying I should go and do all the shit I wanted to do before my inevitable death?" he asked, his tone dry. 

Kendra rolled her eyes. "No, you prick, I'm trying to get you to a safe place too. Where are you right now?"

"Fell asleep in the common room," he said. "Never doing it again. What will you have me do, oh powerful Kendra, to save myself?"

"I'm gonna send a patronus to Neville Longbottom," Kendra explained. "He's running a safe spot for shitheads like you who get on the Carrow's bad side."

"I am not on their bad side," Theo protested. "Just because they called me a slur and gave me detention and publicly humiliated me for being gay doesn't mean they still don't love me. I have natural charm, Kendra."

"Theodore..." Kendra sighed, though she was more concerned than upset. "Seriously, are you all right?"

"Will be once I can get away from those sadistic pricks. Neville Longbottom, you said?" He waved her off quickly--too quickly.

"Yeah," Kendra said, brushing his behavior off in favor of getting him somewhere safe. "Get to the seventh-floor corridor, outside that empty stretch of wall. I'll tell Neville to meet you there tonight. Tell me if you've made it. I need to make sure you're safe."

"All right," Theo sighed. "Longbottom, seventh floor, tell Mummy Kendra once I've been saved from the bad guys."

Kendra bit her lip. "Do you need me to ask him to take in Zabini too?"

There was silence for a long moment. Theo's voice came back tight. "Nah," he said, playing off his clearly hurt feelings. "Turns out Zabini doesn't like queers. Figures, all the hot ones are straight."

Draco, who was sitting next to Kendra, scoffed quietly at that. "I'm sorry, Theo," Kendra apologized. 

Theo sighed heavily. "S'all right, Kendra. Not all of us can get happy endings like you and Granger. At least now I can be the cool single gay uncle to your child."

"'Course," Kendra replied. "So long as you're okay sharing with Harry."

"Think I'll make some people jealous doing that," Theo said, his smirk audible. Beside Kendra, Draco Malfoy was silently cursing Theodore. 

"Tell me when you're safe," Kendra said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," Theo said just before the line went dead, the Slytherin on the other side the one to close the connection. 

Kendra paused for a moment, tucking the crystal back into her shirt. Hermione slid into the seat next to her, passing a cup of tea to Kendra. "Do you know how to cast a talking patronus?" Hermione asked quietly. 

Kendra sighed, knowing that would be the hard part of it all. "No," she admitted. "And I don't have a wand either. And I told Theo tonight."

Hermione put a comforting hand on Kendra's arm. "We'll ask Harry," she decided. "He's good at defense stuff."

"Ask me what?" Harry said, walking into the room cluelessly. 

"Do you know how to do a talking patronus?" Kendra asked, holding onto her cup of tea like it was a lifeline. 

"Dunno, never tried before," Harry said with a shrug. "Can't be too different than a regular patronus, yeah?"

Fleur finished what she was doing and turned to enter the conversation. "Bill knows 'ow," Fleur said. "I am sure he would help you learn, Kendra, or help you send it. You should not be straining yourself so much right now, anyway."

Kendra smiled at her in thanks. "Thank you, Fluer, you both have already done so much," she said, unsure how to repay the French woman. Fleur waved her off. 

"Nonsense," Fleur demanded. "It is the least we could do."

"Well," Kendra said, pausing to take a sip of her tea. "Let's get to work then, shall we?"

It was almost cheesy how well Hermione's wand seemed to work for Kendra. Bill had been, of course, more than happy to help Kendra learn how to cast the patronus, made easier by the fact that she already knew how to cast a patronus. It was the first time the horse had danced out of her wand since her fifth year, and in the throwes of her memories, she was lost somewhere amongst the sentimentality until she actually managed to get the horse to speak a full message out to Draco, who was waiting in the other room on patronus receiving duty. 

Hermione pulled Kendra straight into an embrace, breaking the cloud of sentimentality she had been lost in since she started trying to cast her patronus. "You did it," Hermione said, breathless. "You're amazing, you know?"

"Only for you," Kendra teased with a wink, pulling away and readying herself to try it for real. 

"It's the same as before," Bill reminded her. "No different from sending it downstairs."

Kendra cast the patronus, her mind focused on the back corner of the library and the many events that had transpired there to produce the horse. It lept out of her wand in silvery-blue light, big eyes turning to Kendra, waiting for instruction. "Send a message to Neville Longbottom," Kendra began. "Tell him that Theodore Nott needs help. He's in danger from You-Know-Who. Meet him outside the Room of Requirement." Kendra paused, turning to Luna who nodded slightly. "And Luna says hi."

The horse bowed its head before turning into nothing more than a dash of silver light as it lept out of the window towards Hogwarts. Kendra sighed and handed back Hermione her wand. "Hope it worked."

"Don't see why not," Bill shrugged. "That's quite advanced magic, Kendra, well done. A lot of adult wizards can't even do that."

Kendra smiled, hopeful but unable to shake the pit from her stomach that had formed during her capture. Perhaps she would never be the same Kendra as she had been before, but she was going to fight nail and tooth for herself and those that she loved. There was nothing to do now but wait and hope that she had saved Theodore and could move on to the second part of her task.


a/n: lets all ignore the fact that i am procrastinating my actual work by doing this 😁 shh you didn't hear anything. also i recently started a podcast (which if any of u wanna listen comment and I'll give u the name of it/the link too lazy to do it rn) with my friend so i have been a little busy with trying to get that started. but apparently we are very funny so that's a win 🥳 (i put deadric on the podcast cover art tho 😏 can't stop me from doing what i love)

anyway enough from me i replenished my stock yesterday so I've got some good ones for you

anyway enough from me i replenished my stock yesterday so I've got some good ones for you

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