••dursley•• || the OWLs

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Kendra had nothing but nerves heading into her exams. Sadly, the exams were separated by house, and Kendra did not have any of her exams with with her cousin, about whom she was increasingly worried about, her girlfriend, which she missed terribly despite them going to the same school and living in the same castle, or Damon and Mabel, which she also felt like she hadn't seen in ages. 

By the time her Arithmancy exam came along- her final exam of the grueling two week period- she was quite ready to be done, hoping to absolve the cramping in her left hand that had begun during her DADA practical exam and hadn't gone away since, and perhaps finally spend some long-awaited alone time with her girlfriend, where neither of them were studying or worrying about exams. 

Kendra was quite glad she had taken advanced maths in school, as it was rather helpful in Arithmancy. However, her mind couldn't help but wander after every question, and in-between the scribbled out equations and golden ratio drawings were miniscule doodles of flowers, the occasional head with curly hair, and several smiley faces. By the time the giant sandglass in the center of the room had finished counting time and the exam practitioner had called for quills down and summoned everyone's exam papers, Kendra couldn't help but be nothing but thrilled that she was done. She didn't even have the energy to overthink all of her answers (not that she could remember any of them anyways), and just left the room with a pleasant sigh and a feeble attempt to stretch out her left hand, with the vague idea to go and find Lisa. 

"Oh, hello, Kendra," Luna's voice startled Kendra as she and Ginny, who were intertwined by their fingertips, approached off of a corridor from her left. "Have you finished your exams then?"

Kendra nodded, holding back a yawn. "Merlin, that was bloody exhausting."

"Is it as bad as everyone says?" Ginny asked curiously as the trio walked alongside each other now. Kendra shrugged. 

"Suppose I'll find out in July, see if I've passed it or not," she replied, rather nonchalantly.


The trio paused outside a classroom after what sounded like Harry's dulcet tones thundering from within. "Sounds like Harry," Kendra pointed out, with what might have been surprising nonchalance to anyone who did not know Harry Potter.

"Shall we interrupt or leave him be?" Ginny asked.


"I say go in," Kendra said, her hand already at the knob, the opening of the door interrupting whatever Harry was screaming about, which implied that it was about Sirius given the context.

"Hello, cousin," Kendra said, her tone very dry.

"Hi," Ginny continued. "We thought we recognized Harry's voice- what are you yelling about?"

"Never you mind," Harry retorted, very roughly.

"Oi," Kendra warned, hoping he could mind his temper.

"There's no need to take that tone with me," Ginny replied cooly. "We were only wondering if we could help.

"Well, you can't," Harry said shortly.

"What's the matter?" Kendra asked tartly. Harry ignored her question.

"You're being rather rude, you know," Luna said, her tone bright and serene despite the situation. Harry muttered a string of very nasty words and turned away from them.

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