••dursley•• || the weasley twins

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Kendra didn't really remeber the events that led up to her sitting in Umbridge's office (though fireworks had been set off all throughout the school which she was sure the Weasley twins had something to do with and no body seemed to be able to get rid of them other than the new Headmistress). Kendra couldn't help but notice was not the head's office but the office off of the Defense classroom. Kendra had only been in the office once before under Umbridge's ownership, when Umbridge had essentially interrogated the entire school using Verataserum. The only difference now was a shiny bronze name plate that read 'Headmistress- Dolores Umbridge'.

Thoughts swirled through Kendra's head as she sat across from the woman who had tortured her cousin, ruined countless lives, and only exemplified the corruption of the ministry. Was it even worth it to try and lie to lessen her own punishment, or should she give the woman a piece of her mind, which though out of character for Kendra, was something she had been longing to do. 

"So, Miss Dursley," Umbridge began, a simpering little smile still on her face. "I must say, you were far less of a troublemaker this year than I pinned you to be. However, it is no surprise to find you with Potter's little... group, though I am displeased all the same. I thought you and I came to an understanding at the beginning of this year." She finished with a girlish little giggle, and leant forward, elbows resting on her desk as she held her wand as delicately as she could with her stubby fingers. 

'Lie,' Morgana instructed. 'The truth will do nothing but ensure a torturous end of the school year, and to be quite frank, I don't want to sit through that.'

'Rude,' Kendra thought back, though her mouth was already open to lie through her teeth plainly. "Oh no, Professor, I had no idea Harry was involved until much later. Professor Dumbledore approached me and asked me to join. He said it was a study group, and I was sure we would just be researching theory, as that is what the Ministry recommends we study. I had no idea that he intended to actually have us use spells until it was too late. And to be quite frank with you Headmistress, because I trust you, I was afraid to leave after I found out," Kendra finished, slightly lightheaded as she let out a little giggle. For once, she was glad she had so much practice lying, though it did scare her slightly how easily she could manipulate Umbridge. It was apparent how much Kendra had inflated her ego, just by affirming her own beliefs. She silently thanked Morgana for directing her.

"I see," Umbridge said, scribbling notes on a piece of paper furiously all of a sudden. "But surely you would have known the true nature of the group when you went to the meeting at the Hog's Head? I have you accounted for at the meeting."

"Oh, Merlin this is embarrassing," Kendra said- though the words were no longer her's. Morgana had almost completely taken control of Kendra's speech, mimicking the blonde's speech patterns perfectly. Part of Kendra was terrified with the lack of control, while the other part of her recognized that Morgana knew how to lie and manipulate and if she wanted out of the situation, she should just let the ancient witch do what she did best. "I wasn't exactly paying attention to the meeting."

"You weren't?" Umbridge asked, skeptical. Kendra shook her head, playing along with whatever Morgana was doing. 

"I stopped paying attention once Matthew walked in." And suddenly, Kendra very much wished she could slap Morgan. "I had a crush on him, and I was only paying attention to him, not whatever they were talking about. Merlin, it's so embarrassing, please don't tell anyone else."

"Of course not, dear," Umbridge smiled wickedly, and Kendra could tell that she was lying. She held in a sigh, a crush on Matthew Hammerond was the last piece of gossip she wanted floating around. 

'I hate you,' Kendra grumbled to Morgana, who laughed mirthfully. 

'And where would you be without me? Let me have my fun, darling Kendra. It will all work out in the end,' Morgana's sly reply came instantly. 

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