••dursley•• || fragile

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Hermione had most definitely been giving Kendra the cold shoulder. And though Kendra was paying mild attention to the conversation about Voldemort, she had Hermione on her mind. She wondered if she had done something wrong, or if Hermione had gotten really serious with Viktor and didn't even want to look at Kendra anymore.

And so that night, after Hermione had given Ginny (and Kendra, who had actually paid attention the second time) the summary of what had been discussed downstairs. Ginny, still grumpy, went to bed fairly quickly, though Hermione opted to stay awake and read a book. Kendra felt antsy being in the same room as Hermione, like she was going to drool in her sleep and Hermione was going to freak and never speak to Kendra ever again.

"Kendra, I think you should go to sleep," Hermione said, though she continued to read and didn't look up at the blonde, who stared at Hermione incredulously.

"I can't," Kendra whispered. There was a pause and Kendra took in another breath. "I sleep during the day."

This got Hermione to turn and look at Kendra, who blushed and looked away. "You sleep during the day?" Hermione asked, curiously.

"I've been trying to sleep at night and stuff, but Harry talks in his sleep and it's hard to fall back asleep because I can't sleep in the position I normally do 'cause of the sitches," Kendra blurted it all out suddenly and she was quickly reminded of the effect Hermione had on her- she could ask Kendra any sort of question and the Ravenclaw couldn't help but blurt out her response. Hermione smiled slightly at Kendra. It made Kendra resist the urge to frown-she hated feeling fragile and she hated people taking pity on her. And right now, she knew both were happening.

"It's a bit late for tea but I have a bit of potion left in my trunk I think- actually it might have gone off- do sleeping potions for off? No, they don't, how silly of me, they just get stronger," she flushed as she stood and opened her trunk. Kendra glanced at Ginny, jealous of the sleeping girl.  "Here."

Hermione thrust a bottle of potion at Kendra and sat back down on her bed, returning to her book, desperately trying not to glance at Kendra. Kendra stared at Hermione.

"Did I say something?" Kendra asked softly. Hermione glanced up at her quickly, her eyes darting back to her book. There was no way she was reading it anymore- she hadn't turned the page since Kendra had said something.


"Hermione, honestly, just talk to me," Kendra said, slightly frustrated that Hermione was being so closed off.

"I don't think your boyfriend would like that," Hermione replied snippily, finally turning the page, though her eyes weren't looking at the book anymore.

"Neither would your's then?" Kendra said coolly. "Besides, if you must know, Theodore and I broke up." A lie, but Theodore would be more than happy to comply so long as Kendra helped him get Blaise.

"Why?" Hermione asked, turning to Kendra. All of a sudden, she was much more eager to speak with the girl.

"To be quite frank, he's gay and so am I," Kendra said, slightly sourly. "What about you and Viktor?"

"Long distance isn't my thing," Hermione said loftily. She blushed. "Besides, I had something else on my mind."

"Then don't feel the need to ignore me. We're not doing anything wrong, Hermione. We can be friends, you know,"Kendra whispered.

"I'm not so sure we can," Hermione whispered back, as though if she was quiet enough, Kendra wouldn't hear. Kendra sucked in a breath and stared at Hermione, ready to open her mouth. She was ready, she didn't want to be friend either, she wanted to hold hands and kiss in the meadow and cuddle with Hermione.

"Will you two shut it," Ginny grumbled. Both Hermione and Kendra flushed deep pink. "You can flirt in the morning."

Hermione rolled her eyes but turned her lamp off  and set her book on the bedside table. Kendra glared daggers at Ginny's back- she had heard stories of Ron's famous abilities to interrupt at the worst time, especially hen two people were flirting. Apparently, it was a Weasley thing.

Though Kendra supposed Ginny was right, she could flirt in the morning. And with that knowledge- along with the reminder to write Theo first thing in the morning, Kendra took the bit of potion, whispered goodnights to Hermione and Ginny, then shut her her eyes for the second time that day.

a/n: first of all, I want to thank everybody who is reading this story- it's almost at 30k reads. this is the first story that I've really fleshed out it's my longest one now I think and definitely one of my favorites too. thanks for reading, and if you vote or comment or followed me, an extra special thanks 🥰 I love you all (except for my friends cause they bully me about my music taste 😡 suck my big toe hoe)

anyways yes here come the drama train toot toot also yes ronald's cockblocking lives in gingy as well

meme time meme time

ya like jazz, pottah?

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ya like jazz, pottah?

word count: 876

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