••dursley•• || makeup and makeout

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Friday was the day that Kendra first had Umrbridge's class- right before a lunch time study session with Hermione in the library. Kendra kept Professor McGonagall's advice in her mind as she sat down next to Lisa in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Despite the fact that Umbridge was smiling at her students, Kendra felt very uneasy as she pulled out her textbook and set it on her desk before slipping her wand up her sleeve. She had heard enough about what this class was like to know that there would be no magic performing in this class.

Umbridge began to walk up and down the aisles of the classroom as people hurried into their seats just moments before the bell would ring. Umbridge paused beside Kendra and leaned over and very briefly, Kendra worried if she could smell fear. Kendra turned to smile at the Professor, keeping McGonagall's advice firmly in her mind. "Miss Dursley, may I speak with you after class? You're not in trouble dear, I just need to ask you a few questions," Umbridge nearly simpered as she told this to Kendra who nodded her head. Umbridge smiled widely at her. Once the woman had turned her back to walk away, Kendra leaned over to Lisa.

"She wants to see me after class," Kendra said, straightening immediately and turning to look towards the front of the classroom with rapt attention. She didn't care that she would learn nothing in this class, she didn't care that the teacher was a foul little cockroach toad woman, she didn't care that even the Ravenclaws weren't paying attention to the lesson. Well, she did, but she cared about something much more important, and she knew how to put her acting skills to use. To get what she wanted, she would have to put on a show for Umbridge, and it started by sitting straight up in her chair, smiling and nodding to the Professor's definition of the O.W.L.s, and then reading the first chapter of a book she had already read that was all about how Defense Against the Dark Arts was useless.

The bell rang for lunch and Kendra nodded Lisa along, promising to tell her about it at dinner. She gathered her things slowly until she was the last person in the class and she turned towards Umbridge.

"Thank you, dear, have a seat," Umbridge smiled widely and Kendra took her seat, holding her bag in her lap tightly. "Now, as I understand it, you are Mr. Potter's cousin?"

Kendra nodded. "Yes, my mother was the sister of his mother. I had the... pleasure of growing up with him." Kendra smiled at the Professor. She hadn't lied (because who knows, maybe she could smell fear) but she had certainly led Umbridge to believe she held dislike for her cousin, which wasn't difficult, because Kendra did. The only part she would omit was the fact that she loved him much more than she disliked him.

"What do you mean by that?" Umbridge asked, leaning forward with her wide smile. Kendra could see the gears turning in her head and knew that Umbridge was trying to see how she could weaponize this knowledge.

"Professor, I'm sure you've had a family member that you disagree with on a fundamental level. Harry is my cousin, and I live with him, but we disagree on a fundamental level on... certain issues," Kendra smiled. She felt very much like a Slytherin in this moment, calculating her every word and twisting the truth to benefit her own needs. The hat had considered it, but intimately had chosen Ravenclaw.

"I understand, dear," Umbridge smiled widely. "Now, last year you were in an article in the Daily Prophet...?"

Kendra laughed lightly, hoping she wasn't playing it up too much. "Professor, you work for the Ministry, I'm sure you're more than well aware of the way that Rita Skeeter twists the truth for a thrilling story. Hermione Granger and myself have a competition for top in our year in exams. You could perhaps call us friends but no more than that. The article is mistaken deeply."

"Well, that's all I need from you, Miss Dursley," Umbridge giggled girlishly. Kendra resisted the urge to gag. "Run on along to lunch, now."

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