••dursley•• || girl business

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The rest of the day was painfully tense as Kendra waited for a response from Theodore and Fleur fussed over her, making sure that she was properly healed. The entire day, Hermione hardly left her side, and when she did, it was only for a few minutes at a time and was usually Harry's fault. He was very obviously planning something.

But Kendra was never alone. She was always with Draco and Luna, who had formed a surprising friendship over their short period of contact with each other. Most of the time, they spoke about things that were completely unrelated, like daring each other to go and stand on the nearby beach as close to the tide as they could without getting the hems of their jeans wet. Luna won every time.

"I wonder if Damon and Mabel are okay," Kendra said with a sigh, staring out over the grey ocean, suddenly miserable. Luna pulled Kendra into a hug.

"I like to think they are," she said, her time in the basements of Malfoy Manor having had no effect on her sunny disposition. "Damon and Mabel both know how to deal with their father well enough and they are quite good at magic. Hopefully they have the snorlack toe I gave them for good luck at the end of last year."

"You're so positive, Lovegood," Draco said, though the ghost of a smile traced his lips. "But I think we agree. If you're really worried, you could try sending a patronus to them?"

"You have a point," Kendra sighed. "Hopefully this will all be over soon enough that they can just stall with their father for a few days. And if everything goes to shit I think they're smart enough to get out while the chaos is happening."

"I know you feel guilty for not saving them," Luna said matter of factly, watching as a clump of seaweed was swept back into the ocean by the tide. "You have that look on your face."

Kendra sighed. Luna had a knack for looking at someone and deciphering what it was they were feeling. "I do. But I know there's nothing different I could have done."

"I'm cold," Draco suddenly proclaimed, the hems of his pants drenched from losing at their little game. "Can we go inside?"

"Of course we can, you little primadonna," Kendra said, rolling her eyes and nudging his arm. "Maybe my cousin is done being suspicious."

Draco snorted. "Like that's gonna happen anytime soon," he said sarcastically.

They all moved back inside. Kendra could already feel her joints aching from the cold as she sat down on the couch with a sigh, her eyes shutting. Footsteps on the stairs forced her eyes open again and Harry, Ron, and Hermione all came down at once.

"Done plotting now, Harold Plotter?" Kendra asked teasingly.

"That's not even close to my name anymore," Harry said, shaking his head. He threw himself onto the couch next to Kendra. "But yeah. Done plotting. Want to do something?"

"Actually," Hermione spoke up, a mischievous twinkle in her dark brown eyes, "I need your help with something."

Ron wrinkled his nose. "You don't have to put it like that, Hermione," he said. "We all know what you mean."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll have you know that this is girl business, so unless you'd like to help, nose out, Ronald."

Ron flushed from his ears to his toes, immediately stuttering over an apology.

Kendra laughed. "Let's go before Ron self destructs," she said, taking Hermione's arm and letting her girlfriend help her up the stairs.

When they reached the room they had slept in the night before, Hermione sat down on the bed with a smile. "What's this girl business you need my help for?" Kendra asked teasingly.

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