••dursley•• || headmisstress

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"She found the paper."

Kendra's head slowly turned up from her place in the library- for once without Hermione, when for the second time in two days, Draco Malfoy spoke to her.

"What?" Kendra asked.

"The one you all signed, that says Dumbledore's Army on it," Malfoy continued. "It's got everyone's name on it, she's going to catch everyone."

"Why are you telling me this?" Kendra said. "I mean, you randomly let me go yesterday, then today you're giving me a heads up that I'm going to be caught anyways?"

Draco Malfoy sighed, so vigorously that it could be described as violently. "Dursley-"

"Malfoy, I'm tired of being played with," Kendra replied. "Tell me or don't, but I don't want to be used."

Malfoy groaned. "Merlin, you're going to hate me."

"What?" Kendra asked, keeping the thought of 'too late for that' to herself.

"Fine, I let you go because I'm in love with your cousin, happy?" Draco Malfoy spit out, head buried in his hands. Kendra resisted the urge to laugh, not at the hilarity of his confession, because it was quite frankly a little obvious, but  the irony of it all was hard to nose away from.

"You... wait, what?" Kendra asked, still unsure if she had heard him correctly.

"You heard me," Malfoy stood his ground, cheeks flushed. "Don't make me say it again."

"Alright, alright," Kendra held her hands up, before a slow smile spread across her face. She bit her lip, trying to contain it.

"Are you going to laugh at me?" Malfoy asked, sounding feeble.

"No, no, I'm happy for you," Kendra clarified. She paused for a moment, wondering how to ask her question. "Do you want a wingman?"

"What?" Malfoy sputtered as Kendra asked. She rolled her eyes at his dramatic reaction. "No, absolutely not, there's not a single universe in which Potter finds out about this."

Kendra didn't hesitate to nod. She could understand why Malfoy would rather hide from his feelings than have to confess his love and come out to Harry all in one.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kendra began, her train of thought already traveling onwards. "Why do you snap at them so much? I mean, people think you hate Harry."

He sighed heavily and dramatically. "I didn't know what I felt when I looked at him, so I just assumed it was hate. I was told it was hate. And then as I started to recognize what it actually was, I guess I leaned into it. Whenever I see him, I panic and think that someone will know if I'm nice to him. So I just say awful things whenever he's in earshot, and I don't mean any of them— well, most of them— but they just slip out because I can't have anyone knowing."

"Why did you tell me?" Kendra continued.

"This isn't an interrogation, Dursley," Malfoy huffed. "I told you because you're the only person in this whole shithole of a school that I know will understand and I know won't tell anyone."

"Thanks, I guess," Kendra replied slowly. "And you're right, I won't tell. That would be shitty of me."

Draco Malfoy's eyes met Kendra's and he looked like a wounded animal, vulnerable but dangerous. He clenched his teeth together, as if he was holding back himself from saying something he knew he would regret. Kendra wasn't interested in finding out what it was.

"Just go." He turned away from Kendra, his shoulders sagging slightly from their usual pedestal of confidence. "Watch out for our new Headmistress."

And with that, he was gone. Kendra didn't linger in the hallway long, as class was due to begin shortly. Keeping her head down, she made her way to class as gracefully as she could until—

"You've got to start looking where you're going, you know." One of the Weasley twins had just stopped her from running face first into him; Kendra had no idea which one it was, she had no idea how to tell them apart, even after spending the summer in the same home as them.

"Sorry— hold on," Kendra paused before she went to move away. "What are you two up to?"

"Giving our new head something to do, of course," the other twin grinned at her. "Which reminds us—"

"If you see your cousin," the other one continued, pausing once again to let the other finish his sentence.

"Tell him to come find us," finished the first. Kendra looked back and forth between them. She was starting to get a headache from listening to them finishing their sentences and trying to figure out who was saying what.

"Alright," Kendra agreed. "You're not going to blow up the school are you?"

They just grinned. "Give it a half hour, and you'll see what we're gonna do."

Kendra stared at them suspiciously, but continued onwards to Charms and took her seat complacently next to an empty chair. She pulled her quill out, noting mentally that it was already a strange day, and she wasn't sure exactly what could make it much worse. Lisa hurried in moments later, just in time for class to start.

"God, put some perfume on once you two are done, you smell like sex," Kendra muttered teasingly as Flitwick started to talk. Lisa stealthily flipped Kendra off and started copying what was on the blackboard down onto a piece of parchment. Kendra sighed, still hung up on the earlier events of the day, and pulled out her unfinished notes from the last Charms class and started taking them, not really paying attention. Her mind was far, far away, much more focused on the fact that Draco Malfoy was in love with her cousin to pay attention to anything else.

And when a half hour had passed, she had completely forgotten about the looming chaos.

a/n: disclaimer I did write half of this chapter right before I went into surgery at like 6 in the morning and the other half while i was medicated out of my mind. I'm not bothered to fix mistakes yet so if it's trash, it's trash. sorry if it's kind of short but I wanted to give y'all something and it's got a lil nugget of something I think will appease u ;) actually some of u will probably hate it but I have my reasons ok

meme time

Fred and George rn:

Fred and George rn:

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