••dursley•• || be brave

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Kendra was alone in the room (or at least, she was pretty sure she was) she had chosen to hide in. She had already locked the door, and between heaved breaths, she was searching for a place to hide. She cursed quietly under her breath- there were no great hiding spots. She settled for quietly sliding underneath a table in the room and pulling the chairs in around her.

She held her wand close to her chest, trying to normalize her breathing. Her eyes were watering with the beginnings of tears, though she wasn't sure if it was from fear or from the pain she was experiencing. There was a reason she did not run, and had it not been a life or death situation, she would not have done it. Now, sitting under a table in a dark room as the worst people she could imagine were chasing after her, she was suffering the consequences.

Everything ached dreadfully, and she was almost sure she had dislocated her knee. The urge to curl up into a ball and sob was in a fierce battle with the shock of the situation, and at that moment, the shock was winning out, at least to the point where she didn't totally hyperventilate herself into an anxiety attack.

Her head felt like it was spinning, and she was now very sure why exactly the hat had not picked Gryffindor. Now that Sirius was out of the picture, one way or another, her bravery had all but left her.

'You are brave, Kendra dear,' Morgana gently reminded her. She didn't even have the energy to think back an answer, so she just shook her head. Morgana smiled at her. 'My darling girl, hiding does not take away from your bravery. You are doing the right thing. This is the bravest thing you could have done.'

"Door's locked." Kendra could barely hear the voice over the thunderous beat of her own heart, but when she did, she froze. "What's that mean?"

"Dunno," came the gruff response. "Maybe there's no one in there."

"Or maybe, there's someone in there's who's locked the door so we'll think there's no one in there," the first voice, much more nasally than the second, responded with annoyance. There was a pause.

"What?" the gruff voice asked, confused.

"Oh, never mind, just open the door," the first voice replied, exasperated.


The lock on the door clicked and the door creaked open. Kendra froze.

"Lights are out," the nasally voice'd one said. "Lumos." The second one echoed his spell.

"What do we do if we find someone?" the gruff voice asked, slightly nervous.

"If it's Potter, we take him to the Dark Lord and let him do it. If it's one of his friends, Malfoy said to kill 'em."

"What about what Bellatrix said? About the cousin?" the gruff voice asked again, though the nerves in his voice were gone. Kendra felt her breath leave her.

'Be brave,' Morgana urged. Kendra whimpered silently.

"Take the cousin to headquarters," the first one huffed. "In case they can't get Potter. And if they get Potter they'll... I don't know, kill her in front of him and then off him. Stop asking stupid questions, you know what the mission is."

"I don't see anyone," the second one reasoned. "Maybe we should check another room."

Kendra wished she had Harry's invisibility cloak, or knew how to properly do a Disillusionment charm.

"Don't be stupid, we're wasting time," the first one barked. "Hominem Revelio."

"What's it say?" the second one asked.

"There's someone in here. Split up, there can't be too many hiding spots."

Kendra could hear her heartbeat in her ears, and she just prayed that it wasn't audible. She could hear their feet shuffling around. She decided to shut her eyes, putting her full faith in Morgana. She had told Kendra that she would know when it was safe to run and if she ran now, like she desperately wanted to, she would not get very far on a dislocated knee that she was too afraid to try and knock into place herself or try to heal with magic. If she even managed to get out of the spot physically, there was no way she could get out of the room without being spotted by one of the Death Eater.

"This side's clear," the nasally one said on the other side of the room from Kendra. She released half a breath. The sound of the chair hiding her clattering to the ground snapped her eyes open. She pointed her wand at the Death Eater out of instinct.

"Stu-" She began. Her wand flew out of her hand and into the Death Eater's hands with a nonverbal spell. Her eyes widened and the lump in her throat solidified as she bit on her tongue in an attempt to keep from crying.

"Come on out, little girl, don't make me come get you," the nasally one, which she also saw was the short one, taunted. She shakily crawled out from under the table and raised two shaking hands in the air. "Good girl," he cooed as she struggled to stand. Her head spun and she felt nauseous as her heart raced in her ears.

"Incarcerous," the gruff voiced one said, and ropes shot out, binding her. She let out a whimper of fear.

"Please don't kill my friends," she whispered.

They laughed. "If your little cousin hands over that prophecy, then there's no need for your friends to die."

Kendra felt pathetic and helpless as she began to cry silently. "Please..." she tried again, although she didn't even know what she was begging for anymore.

"If you can't shut your mouth, I'll shut it for you," the gruff voiced one growled. The other one hit his arm slightly.

"Marcus, she's gotta be alive for the Dark Lord," the nasally voiced one whispered, as though Kendra could not hear him if he lowered his voice. She felt herself start to levitate as the two Death Eaters left the room and moved down the hall towards the last door. Kendra's brain raced. She had to figure out something before they went into that room, she could feel it in her gut.

"I hate kids," Marcus grumbled. "Nigel, can I stupefy her?" Kendra's eyes widened. So much was already out of her control and what little freedoms she still had were going to be taken away from her.

"No!" she begged, almost screaming with hysteria. "Please, I'll shut up, just let me-"

"Stupefy!" Nigel barked, fed up. The last thing Kendra saw was the jet of red light and then darkness, her only hope was that someone had heard her pleas for help and would save her.

But no savior came.

a/n: heeyyyyyyy don't you guys love me? yes that is the end of ootp :) im sure some of you are confused, and some of you are wondering whether or not Sirius dies in this version of the story. all of your questions will be answered in the first few chapter of the next book ;) hope you guys can forgive me for this one but i can't help the drama

ok how about a nice fun meme while you wait for those answers :D

ok how about a nice fun meme while you wait for those answers :D

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jokes are so funny guys

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