••dursley•• || train

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Kendra's parents hadn't come to say goodbye, again, for the fourth year in a row. Ever since Hagrid had pleasantly informed them of Harry and Kendra's magic, the Dursleys had grown cold and distant towards Kendra, save for her mother. Her mother was jealous and felt as though she had been personally wronged because of it, she did love and worry for her daughter more than her husband and son seemed to.

Harry had gone to the Weasleys for the World Cup at the end of summer and hadn't come back, leaving Kendra alone with her family- what usually happened at the end of the summer. Kendra could not call herself particularly good friends with any of the Weasleys, and she never found herself at their house during the summer.

Kendra hadn't seen Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, or any other Weasley at platform 9 & 3/4 yet when she boarded the train. Before she got on, she gave a quick glance across the station, still not seeing them. She searched briefly once on the train and still came up empty-handed. Eventually, she gave up and found the compartment with Luna Lovegood, Lisa Turpin, and Mabel Sangrey, Kendra's best friends.

"Kenz, come sit with us!" Mabel opened the door and enthusiastically waved her in. Kendra obliged, putting her trunk overhead and sitting next to Lisa.

"Where's Damon?" Kendra asked, looking around for the Hufflepuff boy. Though most of the group were Ravenclaws, they had graciously accepted Damon and Mabel into their group.

"Mum was trying to fix his hair," Mabel rolled her eyes. Lisa smiled.

"Your mum is adorable," Lisa cooed.

"Yeah, wait until she's screaming at you because you burnt the brownies to the pan," Mable snorted.

"You burnt the brownies?" Kendra asked, a smirk growing across her face. Mabel flushed.

"I don't think I've ever not burnt brownies before," Luna added. She was reading the latest edition of the Quibbler. Though eccentric, it posed some interesting ideas that could lead to broader, more complex trains of thought. Both Luna and Mabel were only third years but were good friends all the same.

Damon rushed onto the compartment, panting, his hair no less messed up than it had been the last time they had seen him. "Hey ladies," Damon said sitting down with the biggest grin ever. Kendra glanced up, reading him like a book.

"For the last time Damon, my cousin is not gay," Kendra sighed. Damon glared at her.

"Can a man not appreciate the fine-ness of that boy?" Damon sighed dramatically. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"You're fifteen, Damon. So's Harry. Really, I don't see how you're the man in this situation," Kendra replied, scratching Lisa's cat behind the ears as it crawled onto her lap. "He's short and scrawny and can't even comb his hair!"

"And?" Damon asked, slumping back into his seat. "If you ask me..."


"I swear that cat loves you more than me," Lisa sighed as Kendra stroked the cat gently.

"That's because I feed Euphenia when she shows me affection," Kendra replied, pulling a treat out of her bag.

"It's a marvel that cat hasn't grown overweight yet," Luna pointed out. A knock came from the compartment door. Kendra's cousin stood awkwardly outside. Kendra handed the cat to Mable, who instantly showered her with love and affection. Kendra stepped outside.

"How was the cup?" Kendra asked softly.

"Er... it was good," Harry replied, scratching the back of his head. "Besides the whole almost dying part."

"I would have thought that you would be used to that by now," Kendra teased.  Harry shook his head.

"I'll see you at school, yeah?" Harry said.

"Yeah," Kendra replied. "And remind Granger that I'm going to beat her again this year, will you?" Kendra felt a smile spread across her face as it always did when she was talking about Hermione. They had been in an all-out war since first year, Ravenclaw on Gryffindor. Hermione beat Kendra first year, Kendra beat Hermione third year. Second year, neither of them had taken exams and Kendra felt that it was unfair to challenge someone who was petrified for half the year.

"I'm not telling her that," Harry called back as he walked off. Kendra smiled to herself- Hermione didn't need to be told about their raging competition. Kendra slid back into the compartment and lay her head on Mabel's shoulder.

"It's Granger, isn't it?" Luna asked. Though Luna was never one to challenge others to grades or linger after class for extra credit opportunities, she was likely the most intuitive person that Kendra had met. She knew what everyone was thinking and had the most brilliant solutions to her friend's problems.

"Yes," Kendra sighed. Lisa patted her shoulder and Mable wrapped her arms around the girl. Damon snorted from the other side of the compartment.

"I know you know how it feels, Kendra, so don't berate me when you tell me that Harry is off limits," Damon sassed Kendra more than any other person on the planet. But when he was serious, he gave good advice and was always a shoulder to cry on.

"I don't even think she's gay," Kendra moaned, thinking about Hermione. Hermione, the one who had teased her when they were in charms and forced to work together. Hermione, the one that Kendra had a "friendly" competition with since they met on the train.

"You don't know," Lisa replied, shrugging her shoulders. "You can't possibly know that."

"I think I'm in love with her," Kendra whispered, staring straight up at the ceiling. Her friends all pitched in to offer solutions of how to get over her.

"I have an idea," Luna looked up from her magazine, revealing her large blue eyes. "Pretend that you need her to tutor you."

"Are you saying..." Kendra sat up, her heart pounding with hope.

"I think she's suggesting that you fail on purpose so that Granger will tutor you, because of course she will, it will be a victory for her. Then you wiggle your way into her heart until BAM!" Damon slapped the compartment wall. "Hey hey hey, Hermione is gay."

"You're a genius, Damon," Kendra sighed. "You too, Luna." Kendra sat back in her seat, the train hurtling ever forwards, a plan in her mind. She was going to get Hermione Granger to fall for her, no matter the cost.

word count: 1067

edited: 10/30

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here's your meme babs

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