••dursely•• || so what?

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"So," Harry said. Kendra immediately rolled her eyes at her cousin's I-am-saving-you-from-a-danger-you-didn't-even-know-about-tone. "You went to the Yule Ball with Nott?"

Kendra looked at the plate of food incredulously, raising her eyebrows at it as if it was the one patronizing her. "Harry, can we please not do this at breakfast?"

Harry sat down across from her. No one really seemed to care- with the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students in the castle and the holidays still in full swing, no one was paying attention to the scrawny boy sitting down at the Ravenclaw table.

"Ooh, looks like someone's in trouble," Lisa said, sliding into the seat next to Kendra. She had gone to speak with Travis, with whom things were going particularly well as far as Kendra could tell.

"If you were really so desperate for a date, Kendra-" Harry began. Kendra cut him off, furious all of a sudden. Her patience had been ground down increasingly ever since she had seen Hermione and Viktor kiss and it had left her in a foul mood.

"Ever consider that I wasn't desperate? That I wanted to go with him?" Kendra snapped, glaring at her cousin. "Or can you not fathom that I am my own person all of a sudden?"

"Kendra, I am trying to protect you," Harry said, hissing back at her. Lisa watched the two argue with raised brows. They rarely fought but when they did, it was explosive.

"I don't need you to protect me, Harry. Not like this!" Kendra retorted.

"Well, don't come crying to me like I didn't warn you when your little boyfriend hurts you," Harry said, almost pompously. Kendra let out a dark laugh.

"You are thick, aren't you?" she snorted, shaking her head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry snapped back. Kendra's eyes blazed as she leaned forward.

"Harry- I'm gay!" she hissed quietly. Lisa's eyebrows shot up even further. Kendra hadn't excepted to tell Harry until she had to, and over a petty argument was not the way she had wanted. Harry didn't even blink before bulldozing forward.

"So what? I'll bet you haven't even-" he paused, the rest of his sentence frozen in his throat. "Oh." Beneath the table, Kendra clutched Lisa's hand.

"Yes," Kendra sighed. Harry blinked once, twice, three times, before his eyes darted back and forth between Lisa and Kendra.

"Are you two..." he began trailing off. Lisa burst into raucous laughter.

"No," Kendra hissed. "Harry, you might be thick, but I would tell you if I was dating someone."

"Erm, well, that's... that's very nice of you. Thank you," Harry shifted slightly in his stolen seat, embarrassed. "And... erm... congratulations?" He phrased it like a question, still trying to be polite though he had no idea what exactly to say. Kendra smiled fondly, their earlier argument all but forgotten.

"Sure," Kendra said, a sort of maternal fondness spreading across her face. For a second she paused, a blush flashing across her cheeks. "And... not a word to Hermione, yeah?"

A slow grin spread across Harry's face. Kendra sighed- maybe he wasn't as unobservant as he seemed after all. And of course, it was at the worst possible moment that he decided to suddenly be a master at reading body language.

"See you later, Kiki," Harry nearly giggles, his grin even wider. Kendra glowered at him.

"Don't call me that!" she hissed after him, suddenly wishing she had the ability to chase after him and smack him.

"Kiki?" Lisa asked incredulously. "Really?"

"Not a word," Kendra whispered dangerously. She changed the subject quickly. "How does your boyfriend know Theodore anyways? I would have thought the whole house rivalry thing would have... you know."

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