••dursley•• || hogsmeade

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A few weeks passed with increasing monotony. The free periods that Kendra had once thought would be gracious breaks from the onslaught of work that she had expected had come to be much of the same. Kendra was drowning in school work, though she had expected it after she had decided to try and get into St. Mungo's training program for healers, which was incredibly competitive and rigorous to even get into, much less to make it all the way through the program. 

The first Hogsmeade weekend of the year was a graceful break from everything that had happened. In addition to all of her school work, she was still trying to dodge guilty glances from Hermione, incessant mothering from Harry, and trying to heal the broken look in Draco Malfoy's eyes that he seemed less and less capable of as the time went on. Needless to say, Kendra was excited to have a Saturday of fun with her friends.

However, that was not exactly how it seemed the Saturday would go. Damon had shyly announced that he was not going to be in Hogsmeade village the morning of at breakfast, and that he had a prior appointment in the castle. However, everyone knew exactly what his appointment was- Damon had a date with Harry, though Kendra was sure that if they wanted to, Harry and Damon would end up at Hogsmeade eventually. Luna was going to visit the Shrieking Shack with Ginny- she had mentioned something about summoning something in the woods nearby, and Kendra had figured that Ginny could and would protect Luna from anything too dangerous, if Luna didn't beat her to it. Mabel had apologized profusely but also had to stay behind, as she was nearly failing Defense with all of her late work.

And so, Kendra and Lisa set out to Hogsmeade, excited nonetheless. 

"I can't wait for October," Lisa remarked as they set out across the grounds to where Hogsmeade was stationed. A crisp, chill breeze fanned both Ravenclaw's hair away from their faces, making Lisa take a deep breath and grin. Autumn had just begun it's grasp on the weather, and Lisa, a born-again teammate and fierce supporter of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, was excited for the season to start in October. 

"Suit yourself," Kendra shivered. "Sure, the leaves are pretty to look at, but I'd much rather not be cold."

Lisa stuck her tongue out at Kendra. "Wanna go get butterbeer? As in, I get butterbeer and buy you a sympathy tea?" Kendra rolled her eyes, but couldn't contain her grin. Her friends had long since learned that it took a very grumpy Kendra to feel offended by the things she couldn't have. 

"Yeah, sounds good," Kendra nodded, wrapping her cardigan tighter around herself as they moved downhill and closer to the village. A short walk later, the two sixteen year olds let out an unconscious sigh as they stepped into The Three Broomsticks and the warmth of the bar mixed with the smell of butterbeer. 

"A butterbeer and some... Ken, what kind of tea do you want?" Lisa turned to her friend. Kendra turned to Madam Rosmerta. 

"Just some peppermint, if you can," Kendra answered, smiling politely. 

A few moments later, Kendra and Lisa were bot sat down with their drinks, pulling their sweaters off to enjoy the warmth of the pub. "So..." Kendra began. "Anyone caught your eye?"

Lisa scoffed. "I could ask you the same."

Kendra frowned slightly. "Unfortunately for everyone else, I am still suck on Granger."

"Have you forgiven her?" Lisa asked suddenly, her tone more serious. Kendra shook her head. 

"I can't. Not right now at least. I just need some more time, and if by the time I forgive her, she's moved on, then it's out of my hands," Kendra sighed. 

"Well, that's your prerogative," Lisa said wisely, before bursting out into giggles. "That's the dumbest word I've used today."

"What a record," Kendra remarked teasingly. Lisa sighed. 

"You know, sometimes I wish I were gay because I think we would be the hottest couple ever," Lisa remarked after a moment of silence. Kendra stuck out her tongue. 

"That would be weird. It would be like... I dunno, dating my sister," Kendra shook her head at the thought. 

"You know what I mean," Lisa rolled her eyes. "I just wish someone would come sweep you off your feet and make you happy. And if it's Granger, I'll forgive her for what she put you through, as long as she makes you happy."

The topic of conversation changed after a moment of thoughtful silence between the two. After an hour of mindlessly wandering through meaningless conversations, Kendra felt more socially satisified than she had in a long time. 

"I'm going to use the restroom before we leave," Kendra said, smiling at her friend. 

Lisa nodded. "I'll wait outside then," she said. "See if I meet anyone tall, dark, and handsome while you're away."

Kendra made eye contact with Draco Malfoy before she stepped into the restroom. Neither of them made any attempt to speak with one another, but Kendra couldn't help but think about how suspicious he looked. 

Kendra stepped back into the chilly wind and wrapped her cardigan around herself again tighter. She didn't see Lisa anywhere at first glance, but heard hushed voices coming from the alley between shops. Briefly, she cursed her curiosity before it overtook her and she followed the voices. 

When she stepped into the alley way, she saw Pansy Parkinson so closely intertwined with another girl, she couldn't even tell who it was. And she cursed her curiosity again. 

a/n: i know this seems kind of like a silly plot point right now, but it's setting up for something very important in the upcoming chapters! i finally figured out exactly how this book is going to go, i had to change my mind a couple of times but i love the plot as it is right now. also if you're wondering, no, lisa and kendra aren't going to date, even though it would be a power move. it would be like dating a sister to both of them (so that means no, in case i need to spell it out more. 

please keep your assumptions coming :) i love seeing your guesses and a couple people have actually guessed correctly ;) and if there's anything that you want to see happen, let me know and I might just put it in

please keep your assumptions coming :) i love seeing your guesses and a couple people have actually guessed correctly ;) and if there's anything that you want to see happen, let me know and I might just put it in

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(also p.s.- i just started uni so if updates become a little sparse, it's because i'm selling my soul to become a speech therapist :} )

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