••dursley•• || albus dumbledore

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If Morgana hadn't essentially snatched Kendra out of her waking moments and into a dream, she would have had an incredibly restless night. A thousand thoughts filled her head, from Draco and Theodore, to McGonagall, to the task Morgana had given her, to the nagging part of her head that constantly thought about Hermione.

She was always more tired in the mornings when Morgana put her to sleep than when she fell asleep on her own. Lisa had to practically drag her out of bed to get to breakfast on time, and during breakfast, she just sat and stared at the Slytherin table while she slowly ate her bowl of oatmeal. She was watching Draco and Theodore apprehensively.

"Kendra, are you even awake right now?" Lisa asked, poking Kendra gingerly in the arm. Kendra nodded slowly, not breaking her gaze. "Who are you staring at over there with that weird look in your eyes?"

Kendra finally tore her gaze away from Draco and Theodore, who had barely even spoken to each other that morning. "Nobody," Kendra replied, turning back to Lisa.

"Oh come on, you looked like a serial killer," Lisa rolled her eyes. She paused, scanning Kendra up and down. "Are you alright?"

Kendra nodded. "Just a bit tired, that's all." Lisa analyzed her for a moment longer before she turned back to her breakfast and started talking about the upcoming quidditch tryouts- Lisa had taken a year off from Quidditch after the tri-wizard tournament (probably to spend more time with Travis) and was enthusiastic about getting back to Quidditch with Terry Boot as the captain after Rodger Davies' graduation.

Time always passed faster when Lisa was talking, and soon enough, it was five minutes before their first class, and with their new schedules in their hands, they were hurrying off to Charms. Moving as fast as they could, they made it just inside the classroom as the bell rang, signaling the start of class.

"Just in time, Miss Dursley, Miss Turpin. Miss Turpin, take a seat over here," Professor Flitwick squeaked from his tower of books. Lisa sent Kendra a look of despair and shuffled over to the spot. "Miss Dursley, if you'll come here."

Kendra approached Professor Flitwick apprehensively. "Is something wrong, Professor?"

Flitwick pulled out a sheet of parchment. "Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office, don't worry you're not in trouble."

"Alright," Kendra said, taking the parchment.

"And Miss Dursley, know that the professors of Hogwarts are here for you, no matter what has happened or what will happen," Professor Flitwick said, smiling. Kendra smiled weakly and left the classroom, sending Lisa a reassuring glance on her way out.

She started walking towards Dumbledore's office, reading the paper as she went. The only thing written on it was 'password: lemon drops'. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her pace, stepping over the trick step with ease, moving past the suits of armor, and finding herself in front of the Head's office.

"Erm... lemon drops," Kendra said, unsure if she was doing it correctly. The gargoyle affirmed her by opening up and revealing the set of stairs. As she stepped on, the stairs began to move, and Kendra wondered privately why this couldn't be done to the other stairs in the castle.

At the top of the stairs, there was nothing but a door. Hesitating before she knocked, her fist only hit the wood once before the door swung open, revealing Dumbledore at his desk.

"Hello, Miss Dursley, it is wonderful to see you, I hope you don't mind me interrupting your charms class," Dumbledore said politely. Nausea hit Kendra like a truck and all she could hear for a moment was the blood thumping in her ears and everything she had been told about Dumbledore.

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