••dursley•• || friends again

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Kendra opened her eyes as she was being carried to the first aid tent. She blinked for a second, confused as to how she had gotten here when she had just been in the stands. Then, she realized she must have fainted. An ache pulsed just behind her eyes, making her shut them again. "Hermione?" she mumbled, feeling as though she was going to vomit.

"Yes, Kendra?" Hermione replied from her right.

"Is Harry ok?" Kendra asked, forcing her legs to move underneath her and using just Hermione for support, rather than whoever had been at her left- probably Lisa. Hermione assured her that Harry was fine and they were going to see him right away.

They stepped into the tent and found Harry in the first bed, having been the last champion in the tent. Kendra only caught a look at his singed shoulder before she shut her eyes tightly.

"Harry, you did brilliantly," Hermione said. "And you finished that fastest, you're bound to get a good score!"

"Yeah," Harry said, clenching his teeth as Madam Pomfrey put a purple goo on his shoulder.

"Harry," Ron said from somewhere else in the room. Kendra hadn't seen him, but she was sure that he was going to try and apologize now. "I 'spect whoever put your name in that goblet was trying to do you."

"Yeah?" Harry replied, his voice cold as her turned his attention to Ron. "Took you long enough did it?"

"Harry, I was being stupid," Ron shook his head.

"Shocker," Harry scoffed. Kendra found Hermione's shoulder and gripped it again, daring to open her eyes.

"Harry, I'm really sorry," Ron said, pleading with his best friend to take him back.

"Yeah," Harry replied, the cold, hard tone gone. "Me too."

"You're both insufferable," Hermione said, bursting into tears. Kendra sank into a chair near Harry's bed. Hermione ran off, mumbling something about finding Ginny as she passed, her eyes wet with tears. Ron and Harry shared a grin that sort of said 'what can you do?'. Kendra pulled out her wand in an attempt to do something, anything that would pull her mind out of worry.

The clatter that the wand made against the rock it bounced off of was loud enough to make the two boys turn to her in shock, as if this was the first time they'd see her pale green face. Sparks shot out of her wand as she dropped it, setting a small fire in the grass. She picked up the wand and mumbled a charm before a pathetic spurt of water hit the flames. She smiled weakly at the two once-again friends.

"I'll just go, sorry, really," Kendra said, making her move to stand but finding that her legs had decided that she was staying there.

"You're staying here, you look like you need it more than I do," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Harry," Kendra said, her voice thick, the tears lodged in her throat rather than escaping through her eyes and down her cheeks. "I'm really sorry. About the spell."

He shook his head. "It didn't hurt at all, really, and you probably save me from getting completely flame broiled," Harry said, trying to be comforting. Ron watched the two silently.

"Don't say that," Kendra moaned, clutching her heart in pain as she felt it speed up again. She was straining herself well beyond what her body was capable of.

"Go see Madam Pomfrey, Kendra. You look like you're going to be sick," Harry urged, staring at his cousin's pale, green tinged, pained expression with worry. She laughed slightly, amazed that he had just fought a dragon and he was all worked up about her.

"What was that, Mister Potter?" Madam Pomfrey said, coming out from behind the curtain that separated Cedric and Harry. The other two champions hadn't been hurt at all, thankfully. Kendra didn't know either of them well but being killed by a dragon in a school competition wasn't the way to go, she was sure of that much.

Madam Pomfrey took one look at Kendra and tsked loudly. She gave a once over Harry. "Go and get your scores now, Mr. Potter. Miss Dursley, come sit on the bed." She sounded exasperated, but not by Kendra, as she helped her onto the bed and started rummaging around in her potion supply. "First dementors, now dragons! What on Earth is Dumbledore thinking?" She handed Kendra a potion that she recognized- a draught of peace. It was very easy to get addicted to the potion, but it made her savor the times that she got to drink the lavender liquid.

She felt completely at peace when she left the medical tent and sought out Lisa again, who hit her lightly when she found her. "Don't ever scare me like that again, Kendra," Lisa said when Kendra smiled sheepishly.

"Tell that to Harry," Kendra snorted. "Besides, I got to hold Granger's hand so it was all okay."

"What was it like?" Mabel asked. Kendra frowned. She didn't actually recall what holding Hermione's hand had been like, only that they had held hands in the midst of their collective panic.

"I'm not sure. I was too busy having a panic attack to notice," Kendra frowned, worry edging into the fog that the potion had created in her mind.

"You seem oddly calm," Damon asked. He smirked slightly. "Been in the greenhouses again, Kendra?"

"Madam Pomfrey gave me the draught of peace," Kendra said, a little smugly. Plenty of people had anxiety issues at Hogwarts but Madam Pomfrey was very sparing with her supply, her worry that she would get some fifteen year old addicted to the potion before they could make it themselves properly winning out over the want to cure every person of every problem they ever had.

"Damn," Damon said, almost impressed. "Harry must have really put you through the ringer."

"I'm disowning him if he even comes within a mile of another dragon," Kendra replied haughtily, heading back with her friends to the castle. Harry has won, even though he had given her a heart attack. She had until February before she really had to worry about him. Probably.

Little did she know that other problems were lurking right around the corner. And it's name was Hermione Granger.

a/n: meant to post this an hour ago. oh well, it's midnight somewhere, am I right ladies, men, my non-binary friends? see you all on wednesday 🥺✨.

word count: 1084

edited: 11/2


I am justice magician

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I am justice magician

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