••dursley•• || repairo

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Somehow, it was Halloween already. In between her classes, trying to help Theo and Draco, trying to decipher just exactly what Harry and Damon were doing, making sure to take all of her medication, going to the Quidditch games she had to cheer Lisa on at, and making sure that Harry wasn't trying to do something incredibly stupid.

But on Halloween, Kendra's other responsibilities didn't matter. When she came down to breakfast in the morning, that morning, Harry was sitting by himself, dark circles around his eyes. And when Kendra slid into the seat next to him, wrapping and arm around him to pull him into a half hug, the shadows seemed to lesson.

"Hey, Kiki," he muttered as she removed her arm, resting her head on his shoulder instead.

"Hey, Har-bear," Kendra replied. "You doing okay?"

Harry nodded, taking in a deep breath. "It's not that I miss them, I barely even knew them. But sometimes, I can't help but imagine what it would have been like if they hadn't.... y'know, been murdered."

Kendra smiled sadly at her cousin, younger than her by a measly month. "Well, you probably wouldn't have met me until we were eleven," Kendra pointed out. "I mean, you know how my mum is, she might not have even told Aunt Lily I existed."

"Yeah," Harry sighed, not knowing what to add. His head leaned down to Kendra's on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around her. Kendra couldn't help but smile, even on the sad day. It felt nice that things with her cousin were back the way that they were before, that she could look him in the eye without wanting to scream and cry and force the blame of what had happened onto someone. "Too many good people have died in the war."

It was Kendra's turn to sigh. She sometimes thought about what her friendship with Cedric could have been if he hadn't died that night. And of course, Sirius had become a father to her, more than her own had ever been. Had he lived longer, would he have been the one to walk her down the aisle to her wife-to-be? Would he have been there to meet her children in their first moments, as they grew older, just as they went off to Hogwarts? A pang strung in her heart, one that she had pushed down ever since she had learned of Sirius' death. "I miss them," she said, heavy hearted. "I didn't even know Cedric that well, but he was too young..."

Shadow flashed across Harry's face. "Sorry," Kendra sighed. "I know you... it was tactless."

"It's okay," Harry replied. "I think I'm moving on."

"Maybe another day, you can tell me all about it," Kendra smiled up at her cousin, the one constant in her life. He had always picked her up when she had fallen, always made sure she was okay when she was at her worst. He was more than just her cousin, he was her brother, her best friend, even if sometimes she hated him just a little bit. There was no one who knew how to make her feel better quite like Harry Potter did.

Eventually, Ron and Hermione came down for breakfast. It surprised neither of them to see Harry and Kendra sitting at the table in near silence, both of them looking half asleep. "Hey, Kendra," Ron attempted an introduction. Kendra jerked up, her eyes meeting with Hermione's instead of Ron's.

"Oh- erm, hi, yes, I'll just..." Kendra said, scrambling to move out of her half asleep state and pick up her bag, flustered by the eye contact she had made with Hermione.

Unknowingly to both witches, the moment of contact had made both of them long for the other more than they already had been.

Harry looked up at Kendra with tired eyes. He didn't even have to say anything. Letting out a heavy sigh, Kendra set her bag back on the floor and sunk back into the seat. "You owe me one, Potter," she mumbled, not really meaning it.

"I know," Harry muttered back, this time with a grin. Seeing him smile was all Kendra needed for the awkward situation to be worth it.

"Lovely weather," Hermione commented suddenly after several moments of silence, her voice higher pitched than usual. Kendra couldn't help the smile that started to bloom across her face.

"It's pouring rain," Ron deadpanned through his mouthful of breakfast. Hermione was quick to retaliate with a glare.

"The rain can be lovely," Kendra shrugged, not even meaning to defend Hermione but most certainly not missing the rosy tint that bloomed across the Gryffindor's face. That time, the silence felt less awkward, and Kendra couldn't help but glance towards Hermione, sending her a shy smile.

"What class do you have next?" Ron asked suddenly, turning to Kendra. He didn't pause for her to respond. "Harry and I've got bloody Transfiguration, Hermione's got like Ancient Runes or something like that."

"Actually, my Ancient Runes class was canceled this week," Hermione replied smugly. "I've got a free period."

"Me too," Kendra blurted out, though she was well aware that she was supposed to be in Herbology at the start of the day. It was too late, the words were already out of her mouth and either it wouldn't matter and she would go to class as usual, or she would spend her time skipping out on class with Hermione.

She didn't regret it.

"You two should go to the library or something," Ron said offhandedly, unaware as to what he was actually offering a solution to. Kendra took the solution graciously nonetheless.

"Maybe we should," Kendra said, sending Hermione a meaningful look. Hermione looked surprised, but nodded all the same.

"I would like that," she said, smiling graciously at the blonde in front of her, who couldn't help but return the smile.

After all, what was life without second chances?

a/n: heyyyyyyyyyyy :) i hope i stretched the period of them being mad at each other out long enough, i hate when main characters forgive people in stories too quickly but i feel like they've both grown (which is why they broke up in the first place) but i also can't stand to see my babies sad anymore i need them to be happy so feel free to fight me in the comments if you disagree.

ok heres your meme

ok heres your meme

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in my dreams....

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