••dursley•• || trophy husband

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"What," Theo said, blinking twice, staring at the girl sat in front of him. It wasn't a question, he knew what she had said. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"You heard me. Come on, you can make Blaise jealous. You can tell everyone you lost your virginity, or whatever kind of talk goes on in the boy's dormitory," Kendra said, the corners of her lips turning up slightly. Theo thought about it.

"It would piss my dad off royally," Theo said after a moment. "I mean, he already had a pretty good idea of who you were, but after that Rita Skeeter article..." He trailed off as Kendra scowled. She and Hermione hadn't been able to speak since the article was released, which was rather problematic seeing as Hermione was always helping Harry with the third task. Now Kendra felt useless, though she knew the distance between Hermione and herself was to protect both of them. Just as if would be to get herself a boyfriend. And to be perfectly honest with herself, she would much rather pick someone who she knew she wasn't toying with the emotions of. Matt would have said yes if she'd asked him out but for the wrong reasons.

"Please?" Kendra begged. "I need to get people off of my back. I don't like it when people are staring at me for something I didn't need." Theo sighed.

"I don't want to put a target on your back, Kendra, not any more than it already is. I care a lot about you, you know. And if my father thinks that it's your fault that I'm not getting engaged to Daphene Greengrass or something, then he will make sure he does whatever he can to get his hands on you." Theo pulled a tiny piece of paper out of his pocket and started ripping it to shreds.

"Theo, I already have a target on my back because of who I'm related to. I don't know if you read the article, but it's the boy who lived," Kendra said dryly. Theo snorted. "I'd much rather have a target on my back than have my weaknesses put out to the entire world. And I'm alright if You-Know-Who kills me, but if that little shit Zacharias Smith pulls something, I'll be ticked off."

"Understandable," Theo nodded, still considering the pros and cons of their agreement.

"Merlin, I can't understand how he and Cedric are in the same house," Kendra said, shaking her head. "Different strokes for different folks, I suppose."

"I'll do it," Theo said suddenly. "Mostly because then you'll owe me one and I can lord that over you until we grow old, but I'd also like to see the look on Hermione Granger's face when we make her all jealous." Theo smirked smugly as Kendra blushed and sputtered.

"Wha- that's not the point," she demanded. "Besides, don't lie and say you weren't thinking about Blaise." He shrugged.

"I'm always thinking about Blaise," he replied as if it was obvious to the whole wide world, which it might have been if people weren't so sure that Theo was straight. "Anyway, we need to do something in front of everyone, particularly Granger. I'll come sit next to you in the Great Hall- that will already cause up a big stir since Slytherins never sit anywhere but their table. And once everyone is whispering about it, kiss me and pretend I'm Granger."

"I'm not pretending you're Hermione," Kendra scoffed, though she couldn't keep the mischievous glint out of her eyes. "This is sort of fun, isn't it? I can see why the Weasley twins are always messing with people."

"I won't do it unless you're sitting where I can see Granger's face," Theo said. "I would be a terrible wingman otherwise."

"You're a cheeky little bugger, you know that right?" Kendra giggled. "I'll see you in the Great Hall tomorrow, trophy husband."

"Cheeky and proud!' He proclaimed sarcastically, waving his hand in her general direction and stalking off into some dark corner of the castle to be alone. Kendra rolled her eyes and went to bed, satisfied with her hard day's work.

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